Talented Acol seven-year-old Dylan is wowing people with his art

Dylan with his work at the St Laurence Church art show

A talented seven-year-old from Acol is hoping to break into the world of art with his incredible paintings and drawings.

Minster Primary pupil Dylan Beattie has been drawing and painting for as long as he has been able to hold a crayon or brush and most recently sold some pieces at St Laurence Church art sale and donated towards the church’s clock restoration appeal.

The youngster, who also loves science, wants to find more venues where he can display his work and perhaps help raise money for more charities.

Mum Poppy-Florence Wakefield said: “He has always been artistic since he was a baby and has been taking art lessons for about a year in Preston. He goes every Saturday so he can learn about getting the right techniques.

“He is always painting and drawing and doodling, it’s literally his life. He particularly likes doing nature and scenery, but we have also been taking him to art galleries and trying to see if he can find his niche.”

Poppy-Florence and Dylan’s dad Richard Beattie say they would love to help their son promote his art.

Poppy-Florence said: “We are just trying to get Dylan out there but there isn’t a lot in Thanet for children his age who are creative. I’m going to try and set up some children’s exhibitions.”

St Laurence art show organiser Mick Cairns was happy to have Dylan display his art at an event last weekend and Poppy-Florence is talking to Sugar Rush in Ramsgate and Chartwell House Broadstairs about putting some of the pieces on show. There is also an offer for Dylan to take his work to Mount Ephraim in August.

She said: “He did quite well (at St Laurence), it has all kind of blown up a bit. People were quite amazed when he said it was his work and he sold a few paintings and was able to put some money in the pot for the clock restoration which he was excited about.

“He wants to do lots more charity events now.”

Dylan has a page on facebook, managed by his mum and dad, to share his work and anyone who would like to get in touch about a venue can contact [email protected]

Find the Dyl’s Drawings page on facebook by clicking here