Suggestions for £1.6m Ramsgate highways scheme to be explored following consultation

Ramsgate Photo Historic England

A consultation over a £1.6million project to improve highways and to connect Ramsgate’s town and harbour has received responses from 200 people.

The scheme proposes improved crossing facilities and creating a more inviting space to encourage visitors to move from the harbour area up into the town.

Measures would include:

Improved crossing facilities at Military Road and Leopold Street

Remove the existing pedestrian guarding at the Albion Hill/Harbour Parade/Madeira Walk junction.

Introduce a raised highway carriageway with material change to the surface of Harbour Parade.  This will provide a defining location to Harbour Street and creating a distinctive look and character for the Harbour area.

Install a signalled junction and crossing point at the Albion Hill/Harbour Parade/Madeira Walk junction.

Reduce bus layby capacity to the north side of Madeira Walk.

Create a 20mph zone to the seafront area and town centre.

Of those who responded 81% agreed or strongly agreed with the proposed scheme. Suggestions raised which Thanet council says will be explored were extending the 20 mph zone; looking at the position of the crossing point at Madeira Walk and further discussions about reducing the bus laybys,

Thanet council leader Cllr Ash Ashbee said: “We would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide their feedback. There were a number of key messages that came forward as part of the consultation, which the council will investigate further.

“Whilst other comments were outside the remit of this scheme, they are beneficial and of value to the various other activities that are taking place as part of Ramsgate Future over the coming years.”

The project is now expected to move to the detailed design stage.

Full details of the consultation results can be found in a report presented to the Joint Transport Board on Tuesday 14 December 2021.

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