St Laurence Junior Academy ‘representing Wales’ at Thanet Passport Rugby Festival

St Laurence CE Junior Academy team representing Wales

St Laurence CE Junior Academy made waves at the Thanet Passport Rugby Festival, as the Year 5 and 6 team showcased outstanding skills while proudly representing Wales. Under the leadership of Mr Wells, the teams delivered spirited performances at the festival, held at Thanet Wanderers Rugby Club.

The event provided a platform for schools to compete and celebrate the sport. Amidst fierce competition, St Laurence CE Junior Academy’s teams demonstrated exceptional teamwork, resilience and sportsmanship and parents and supporters turned out in force to cheer on the young athletes,

Mr. Wells said: “The children (showed) fantastic effort and commitment, especially as it was a team that hadn’t played together before. They equipped themselves well and improved massively throughout the festival.

“In the final match, we had a wonderful passage of play that looked very impressive and through determination and resilience we scored a very well deserved try – scored by Riley. A huge congratulation to all the players – some of whom are now very keen to take it up outside of school and attend the TWRFC sessions offered at the weekend and mid-week.”

Year 5 pupil Connah, who has Welsh roots, shared his excitement, saying: “Representing Wales was awesome! I felt a special connection playing for my Welsh heritage.”