Thanet personal trainer and fitness studio owner shortlisted for two British Fitness Awards

Dean Perry at his fitness studio in Margate Photo Zandri Arnold Photography

A Thanet personal trainer and fitness studio owner has been nominated for two top industry awards.

Dean Perry, who owns O.C. Dean’s Fitness in New Street, Margate, has been shortlisted in the male personal trainer and the male fitness trainer categories in this year’s British Fitness Awards.

The awards, in their 10th year, recognise the achievements within the industry of both independent and commercial businesses each year.

Each business/individual working within the UK fitness industry has the opportunity to be nominated and finalists are selected by public vote.

The awards ceremony takes place on September 14 at the Rum Warehouse, Liverpool.

Dad-of-one Dean, from Ramsgate, has worked in the fitness industry for more than 20 years since an award during Army training sparked his passion.

Photo Zandri Arnold Photography

The 43-year-old said: “It’s really overwhelming to be nominated for one award let alone two awards for such a prestigious and recognised event like the British Fitness Awards.

“I was shocked to be a longlister, but now I’ve been shortlisted and attending the ceremony in Liverpool I’m on cloud nine. To be the only Personal Trainer in Kent nominated, I want to win this for us and represent Thanet and all we do within the industry.

“A lot of the big cities are always in the limelight and we seem to get pushed aside. So, to even attend is a massive honour and I hope I will be the first of many to be nominated and represent Thanet.

“I want to say a massive thank you to everybody who has voted for me so far and thank anyone who might vote for me before the awards.”

Voting closes August 16th.

To vote click here