Ramsgate Skate Park volunteers work to bring Warre Rec courts back into use

Volunteers at work

Volunteers from the Ramsgate Skate Park project are working to bring the basketball court at Warre Rec back into use.

The 10 volunteers have weeded the court area and a roadsweeper has been used to clear gravel and glass.

New backboards have been bought and these will be decorated with street art by one of the skate park users.

The group have also commissioned another hoop.

Volunteer Maxine Morgan said: “One of the existing rings was still in very good condition so we have commissioned a local fabrication company to make another to match.

“It’s not going to be the best basketball court out there as the tarmac is very uneven but it’s going to be usable for the first time in a very very long time.

“We are hoping that Thanet council can come along and mark the court out.”

The skate group has applied to Kent County Council for £550 in funding to help with the project.

Isle firm Unique Design Solutions (UDS) is carrying out installation works free of charge.

The group hopes the court will be ready for use within the next fortnight.

Find the Ramsgate Skate park Project on facebook here


  1. Just want to say that I’m so proud of all these Ramsgate groups that have been created lately that are really sorting out real issues around thetown which our district council is no longet capable of doing. Well done to all!

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