Owner devastated and police investigating distressing circumstances of cat death in Palm Bay

Manny was found in a garden in Palm Bay

A Palm Bay cat owner has been left devastated after discovering her pet had been killed with his head removed and his tail stripped.

Michele Mink-kewley  has reported the horrific incident to police and officers say they are now investigating.

Michele says three-year-old Manny did not come in on Sunday evening so around 10pm she went out to call him.

The 61-year-old, who returned to the UK from Holland two-and-a-half years ago after her husband passed away, said: “I have had him since he was a kitten. He is never left out overnight, I always wait for him to come home. At about 10pm I thought ‘he isn’t coming’ so went out walking around and calling him but there was nothing.

“I stayed up until about 3am and then in the morning I put a photo of him on the Palm Bay community page and then started walking around calling him and asking people that I saw.

“Then I walked up Springfield Road and saw some builders doing a driveway and asked if they had seen a grey cat.

“One said the neighbour had found a grey cat in their garden. I walked to the lady’s house and she came out and said she was so sorry. I asked if he was in a bad way and she didn’t want to tell me and got quite emotional.

“She said some children on their way to school at about 8am told her there was a dead cat in her garden. She said he had been laid on the edge of her lawn. Then she informed me his head was missing and the fur was gone from his tail. She had put him in a box and taken him to Briar House vets.”

Manny had been registered with Briar House and when Michele contacted them she found out they were carrying out an examination.

She said: “When they phoned back they said the chip wasn’t there and the tail had been stripped of flesh and hair and it was definitely by human hands as evidenced by knife marks, so not a fox. His head hasn’t been found.

“The vet said they were doing paperwork and taking photos for evidence for the police  but I rang the police as well.”

Michele said the police had asked for Manny’s DNA and then called to ask about releasing his body for cremation.

Michele said: “I am devastated and am now waiting for police to come out to see me. I do not want to let this go, and can’t just sit back. People need to know what’s going on.”

Michele, who has two dogs and two other cats, says she has had contact with someone who suggested she speak to SLAIN (South London Animal Investigation Network) who have been investigating animal mutilations across the country.

A Kent Police spokesperson said: “Kent Police was called at 3.32pm on Monday 1 July to a report that a deceased cat had been found outside an address in Springfield Road, Cliftonville, Margate at around 8am that day.

“An investigation into the circumstances is ongoing and anyone with information to assist enquiries, including CCTV footage, should contact Kent Police on 01843 222289 quoting 46/109086/24.”