Fundraiser launched to help family of teen moved to palliative care after suffering serious injuries diving from harbour arm

Jack Dolan suffered serious injuries after jumping from the Stone Pier

A teenage boy who was airlifted to hospital in a serious condition after an incident at the Stone Pier in Margate on June 23 has been moved to palliative care.

Jack Dolan, 15, was unconscious in the water after diving from the Stone Pier in Margate.

The youngster, from Medway, was given emergency treatment by paramedics before being taken to King’s College Hospital by the Air Ambulance Charity Kent, Surrey, Sussex.

Tragically, despite the medical team’s best efforts an MRI scan showed there was no brain activity.

Jack’s parents Dave and Lisa have had to make the heartbreaking decision to let Jack pass peacefully.

A fundraiser has been launched by family friend Sam Cass to help ease financial pressures for Jack’s family while they are with him in palliative care.

On the fundraising page Sam says: “Lisa and Dave’s son, Jack, suffered a tragic accident. Unfortunately an MRI scan has shown there to be no brain activity and he is currently in the process of being moved to palliative care.

“This has crushed his family. As I’m sure everybody can understand, both Lisa and Dave are going to have to take the foreseeable off work to take care of other priorities.

“They have made the impossible decision to let Jack go peacefully and live on in our minds and hearts as the Jack we all knew and loved.

“The fundraiser is to raise money for them to help ease the pressure of upcoming palliative care and future funeral costs to give Jack the send-off that he deserves. This will hopefully be one less thing for the family to worry about.

“As most know Jack is the biggest Joker, with a heart of gold. He loves to show off in front of girls and won’t leave the house without doing his hair.

“He loves his family, will do anything for his sisters and this fundraiser is to take a little bit of the burden away from them.

“Many people love Jack and I’m sure they all wish the family wasn’t going through this right now.”

Some £4,000 has been pledged in just 48 hours.

Find the fundraising page by clicking here