General Election 2024: Ramsgate resident Grahame Birchall stands as Independent for East Thanet seat

Independent candidate Grahame Birchall

Ramsgate resident Grahame Birchall is standing for the East Thanet seat as an Independent

He said: “As East Thanet’s MP, I will use the privilege solely for the benefit of Thanet.

“I will deliver a ‘Metro’ mayor to run a much improved Thanet council, leading to the creation of a Thanet centric Unitary Authority, free from the misrule of Kent County Council (KCC).

“Many of our problems in Thanet are adversely influenced by KCC, eg. the number of houses being built, the disproportionate number of ex-offenders sent to us, the ‘strategic’ use of our port by Brett’s, the repair of potholes and poor coordination of social services. Thanet no longer needs KCC. Thanet must take control of its own future.

“The time has come for a Mayoral Petition to force a local referendum, giving Thanet’s residents the power to bring a ‘Metro Mayor’ they can vote for and hold to account, thereby re-writing TDC’s constitution, bringing more powers to town councils and a politically balanced Cabinet.

“Thanet needs the politics of community, not the politics of party!

“By creating this exemplar of good local government, our business case for breaking free from KCC will become insurmountable. As your MP, I will ensure Thanet gets the best possible deal from Westminster as a Unitary Authority.

“I have lived in Ramsgate for 14 years, having previously been city councillor for Whitstable town centre and President of Whitstable Chamber of Commerce, following 20 years’ service in the Yorkshire Regiment and Royal Engineers. I continue working from home, as a marketing consultant for French, American and British companies.”

General Election 2024: Candidates for East Thanet and Herne Bay and Sandwich constituencies confirmed