New murals created at Cliftonville Lido in Rise Up Residency and Margate Soul Festival project

Murals at the Lido Photo Frank Leppard

New, large scale murals have been created at Cliftonville Lido by local and visiting artists.

Rise Up Residency, responsible for almost 20 large scale murals painted across Margate in 2022, partnered up with Margate Soul Festival to create new art.

New Margate CIC, headed up by Eli Thompson of Olby’s, has organised the 22nd annual soul festival taking place now until Sunday (August 4) at 19 indoor and outdoor stages, including a new Sunset Stage next to the beach, behind the Lido.

MSF Land train Photo Frank Leppard

Rise Up Residency (RUR) invited artist Breeze Yoko from South Africa to install a large-scale mural to celebrate the festival.

The site was prepared by volunteers including five asylum seekers from Eritrea currently housed in Margate and awaiting their asylum claims.

Photo Isabelle de Ridder

Works also include murals by Catneil; Chu; Copie; Deam Safari; Eks; Gman; Guerilla Pest; Joe Drury; Notice It; Outta-Gram; Pad 303; Soul and Vince Pugh.

The art pieces join the existing large scale, environmental themed murals that have been created across Margate.

Photo Frank Leppard

Breeze Yoko is a South African based multidisciplinary artist and curator specialising in video/film and graffiti/street art. Yoko has participated in urban art projects in South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Senegal, Germany, France, Sweden and many more places.

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RUR is an ocean awareness mural project spearheaded by Margate artist Louis Michel. Previous murals have focused on ocean plastics, rising sea levels, endangered marine life and lost souls at sea.

The promenade behind the Lido (Lower Newgate Prom) is being used as the new Sunset Stage for MSF.