Fundraising event for All Saints Parish Church in Birchington after thieves strip roof of lead and tiles

Some of the damage done to All Saints Church after the thefts

All Saints Parish Church in Birchington is fundraising after thieves ripped the lead and tiles from the roof during two incidents in June.

The theft has left the church exposed to the elements and although insurance covers these repairs it has now been discovered that there needs to be extensive refurbishment to the whole roof and the spire.

The work will cost £510,000 and it has to be funded by the Parochial Church Council. The porch roof above the choir vestry was stripped and the exposure meant the choir robes and the vestments were all damaged by rain. The vestments are all embroidered with gold and silver thread and have to be dealt with by specialists.

A spokesperson said: “We are aware that many people in our village believe that the Diocese will pay, but sadly that is not the case.

“A committee has been set up to raise the funds for the external repairs and also to refurbish the interior to give our village a church fit for the 21st Century.

“It is hoped that we will incorporate a refreshment area and toilets to the rear of the church and upgrade the seating to accommodate concerts and other community events.

“We managed to raise funds to build the village centre so we are optimistic that our community will rally round us to protect and preserve this beautiful 13th Century building for generations to come.

“We would like to encourage everyone to take a tour of the interior on Saturday mornings to appreciate what we are trying to save. It is our heritage and well worth a visit.”

The first major event will be a charity concert in the village centre by the Railway Swing Band on October 5 at 7.30pm.

There will be a bar, lucky programme and raffle.

Tickets are £10 and available by calling Kath on 07957 846 230 or emailing [email protected]