CCTV images released as part of investigation of ‘suspicious’ fire in Westbrook

Police would like to talk to this man

Detectives investigating a suspicious fire in Westbrook have issued images of a man they would like to speak to.

The fire was reported to have been started outside a property in Westbrook Avenue between 10.10pm and 11.20pm yesterday (June 9).

The fire was seen and quickly extinguished before it could spread and nobody was injured during the incident.

As part of their investigation, officers have issued images of a man they would like to identify, as he may have information which could assist their enquiries.

Anyone who has information regarding the fire, or can identify the man pictured, should call Kent Police on 01843 222289 quoting 46/95177/24.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete their online form.