GCSE results 2024: Pride in performance of Ursuline College students

Ursuline College

Students at Ursuline College in Westgate were celebrating their results yesterday morning, surrounded by their parents and teachers who were visibly proud of them.

With the news that pass grades have fallen for a third year in a row and the higher grades are more challenging to reach than last year, the results students have achieved at Ursuline in a comprehensive setting buck the national trend.

Staff and students have worked extremely hard and many youngsters have chosen to stay on in the school’s Sixth Form which has had a record number of applications and admissions.

Stand out performances came from Athena Crompton, Shelah Essien, Natenael ‘Natty’ Haile, Arsenii Lytvynchuk, Libby Owns and Suzie Urban, all of whom achieved 9-7 grades.

Headteacher Danielle Lancefield said: “We are exceptionally proud to celebrate these achievements with our students. We celebrate all our students who put in the effort, hard work and perseverance with their GCSE courses to achieve what they are truly capable of. “For some, achieving a grade 4 in a particular subject is just as good as another student achieving a grade 9, and we recognise and celebrate that.

“The commitment of our students has been supported by their families and inspired by our incredible teaching staff at Ursuline College who have supported them in the classroom each day, provided relentless challenge at all levels of ability and offered additional catch-up sessions for those who needed it.

“As our students move onto the next chapter of their education, we wish them all the best and congratulate them on their successes.”

Deputy headteacher Emily Johnson added: “Having spent so much time working very closely with our year 11 students and their parents to support them in achieving the best outcomes possible, seeing them open their results and be so proud of what they have achieved is nothing short of wonderful.”

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