GCSE results 2024: Delight at results for Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School

GCSE results for Jack Walton, Emily Ford, Samuel Johnson, Delaena Debre & Alejandro Iglesias-Whittaker

Students and staff at Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School in Ramsgate are celebrating another set of fantastic GCSE results, with 28% of grades at the top grades of 9 or 8 and 47% of grades at 9-7, and an overall pass rate of 95%.

Headteacher Debra Liddicoat said: “We are delighted at these results showcasing the hard work and dedication of both students and staff. This year’s cohort has demonstrated remarkable resilience, perseverance and academic excellence, achieving outcomes that reflect their commitment to success and the school’s supportive learning environment.

Nina Honey, Harry Harrison, Rebecca Kemp, James Murdoch & Mia Austin

“We are all incredibly proud of our students for their outstanding achievements; these results will open doors to new opportunities and we look forward to seeing them thrive, either in education or the world of work, whether that be continuing at the school to complete A Level or other Level 3 courses, going to college or on to apprenticeship courses. Whatever their chosen path, we wish them all every success in the future.

Joseph Fifield & Ruby Beasley

“We should not forget that the school’s success is not only a reflection of the students’ efforts but also testament to the dedication and commitment of the teaching staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure that every student was supported throughout their learning journey.”

April McGowan & Henry Cleverdon

Special mention should for 37 students achieving 9 or more GCSE’s at grades 7-9:

Mia Austin 2×9, 2×8, 5×7 and 1×6

Ruby Beasley 4×9, 5×8, 1×7 and 1×6

Arnoldus Butkus 3×9, 4×8, 2×7 and 1×6

Henry Cleverdon 7×9, 2×8, 1×7 and 1×6

Phoebe Cone 2×9, 5×8 and 3×7

Polly Cooke 2×9, 2×8, 7×7 and 1×6

Deleana Debre 9×9 and 2×8

Tammy Falaiye & Eloise Martin

Tammy Falaiye 1×9, 4×8 and 6×7

Joseph Fifield 3×9 and7x8

Emily Ford 5×9, 5×8 and 1×6

Clove Gater, 1×9, 6×8, 2x7and1x6

Corban Grottick 7×8, 3×7 and1x6

Harry Harrison 3×9, 5×8, 1×7 and 2×6

Kacper Hertel 4×9, 5×8 and 2×7

Jake Hill 1×9, 3×8, 5×7 and 2×6

Alejandro Hill Perez 5×8, 5×7 and1x4

Nina Honey 2×9, 4×8, 3×7 and 1×6

Alejandro Iglesias-Whittaker 5×8 and 5×7

Samuel Johnson 7×9 and 4×8

Emilia Kalnikaite 5×9, 3×8 and 3×7

Rebecca Kemp 1×9, 2×8, 7×7 and 1×5

Natalia Kolodziejczyk 7×9 3×8 1×7 and 1×6

Jia Lin 2×8 and 8×7

Eloise Martin 5×9 5×8 and 1×5

April McGowan 1×9 6×8, 3×7 and1x6

Matilda McPherson 6×9 3×8 and 2×6

Freya Mooney 7×9 2×8 and 2×7

James Murdoch 6×9 and 5×8

Joshua Prentis 8×9 1×8, 1×7 and 1×5

Sophie Pyke 2×8 and 8×7

Zachary Raguenel 2×9, 7×8 and 1×6

Renuga Rasiah 6×9 and 6×8

Imogen Savage 6×9, 1×8, 2×7 and 1×6

Apollo Stocker 3×8 and 7×7

Joseph Walton 1×9, 4×8, 4×7, 1×6 and 1×5

Freya Windle 6×9 3×8, 1×7 and 1×5

Ron Zaki 9×9, 1×8 and 1×6

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