Community news: Squirrels birthday, children’s awards, Birchington Heritage Trust, Broadstairs Sailing Club, church fair, Tonetic Records, Gadds, Lotto fund and beach clean

Happy 1st borthday to the 1st Westgate-on-Sea Scout Group’s Squirrel Section

1st Westgate-on-Sea Scout Group Squirrels

The 1st Westgate-on-Sea Scout Group’s Squirrel Section celebrated its first anniversary this week, marking a fantastic year of fun, learning, and adventure for the youngest members of the Scout family.

The celebration was made even more special with a generous donation from Maria, the owner of Central Cars (Thanet), who presented the group with a birthday gift of high-visibility jackets for the Squirrels to use during their outdoor activities.

The high-vis jackets are a thoughtful and practical gift that will help keep the young scouts safe while they are out and about on their many adventures, ensuring they are easily visible in all conditions.

“We are incredibly grateful to Maria and Central Cars for their support,” said a spokesperson for the Scout Group. “The jackets are an essential part of our outdoor activities, and this donation ensures our Squirrels will stay safe while having fun exploring.”

The Squirrel Section, which welcomes children aged 4 to 6, has quickly become an important part of the 1st Westgate-on-Sea Scout Group, offering a variety of activities designed to develop skills, confidence, and a love of the outdoors.

The group is thankful for the support from local businesses like Central Cars (Thanet), which helps ensure the safety and enjoyment of their youngest members.

The 1st Westgate-on-Sea Scout Group is always on the lookout for new volunteers over the age of 18 who wish to expand friendships, enjoy adventures, and learn new skills by becoming part of their dedicated team.

If you are interested in volunteering or want to learn more about the group, visit or contact them via email at [email protected].

Happy birthday to the Squirrels — here’s to many more years of fun, learning, and community engagement!

Wards Estate Agents’ Children’s Awards

The 21st annual Wards Children’s Awards, a celebration of remarkable children, young people, families, and charities across Kent, has just concluded, leaving a lasting impression of hope and inspiration. This prestigious event honours those who have triumphed over adversity, displayed exceptional courage, and made significant contributions to their communities.

This year, Wards estate agents were privileged to recognise and celebrate ten incredible winners, each with a unique and awe-inspiring story that resonates with the spirit of the Wards Children’s Awards.

They were joined by hosts, Cbeebies star, Phil Gallagher, Mister Maker and ITV Good Morning Britain presenter, Charlotte Hawkins.

The winners included Thanet’s John Pond who was recognised for fundraising and volunteering despite his own struggles.

JOHN POND – Young Volunteer / Fundraiser

John, 14, is autistic and battles severe anxiety. After enduring bullying and surviving a suicide attempt, he turned his pain into purpose. John raises funds for mental health and neurology charities, despite his own struggles. He’s raised over £4,000, spreading hope through art, social media, and as an anti-bullying ambassador.


Callum, at just 13, cares for his brother with ASD and ADHD, and his stepdad with spinal spondylosis. He comforts, supports, and even acted swiftly during his brother’s first seizure. Callum’s selflessness shines as he also helps run a sensory football club. His family is incredibly proud of him.

DEXTER DRAY – Young Volunteer / Fundraiser

Dexter, just 11, lost his older brother Ryley in a tragic accident. In his grief, Dexter wanted to help other families by raising money for memorial benches. He cycled 54 miles along Dover seafront, pushing through pain and bad weather, raising nearly £4000. His strength and kindness inspire everyone.

EMERGE ADVOCACY – Outstanding charity

Working throughout the south of England, Emerge Advocacy offer crucial support to young people between 10 and 25 who have been admitted to A&E because they have self-harmed or are suicidal.

By giving up their time to talk to and care for these individuals as they’re able to offer light in the darkest of times.

SAMUEL HOPKINS – Young Hero of the Year

Jumping into action when a fire spontaneously started in their home, Samuel Hopkins kept his composure in an extremely stressful situation to guide his family and neighbours to safety as the fire spread quickly. Samuel’s mum is so proud of him and she and his brother call him their hero.

BARNEY LOCKE – Brave and Courageous Child (Under 10)

Born with Amniotic Band Syndrome, Barney has faced adversity from his very first days. With one leg being amputated below the knee, the other leg missing several toes and having just a few digits on his hands, he has experienced more challenges than anyone should have to in their entire lifetime.

Now, 9 years old, he has overcome the overwhelming adversity to adapt to his prosthetic leg and play in the Para Badminton England Junior Championships and with the Junior England Amputee Team in Belgium.

ALFIE GILMOUR – Brave and Courageous Child (Under 10)

Born with a rate genetic condition, Pallister Killian Syndrome, Alfie has spent many of his first five years in and out of hospital. He is non-verbal, visually impaired, tube-fed, has epilepsy and was recently diagnosed with Autonomic Dysfunction, meaning he is now under the palliative care team.

His mum say’s that, despite all this, he is incredibly cheeky and has the ability to light up a room with his infectious smile. She says that he has helped her to see the world differently and taught her to enjoy life.

KATIE MARTIN – Brave and Courageous Child (11+)

Katie was born with Kabuki Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that affects her entire body. Today she is living with hearing loss, poor vision, autism, Vitiligo, hypermobile joints and a kidney in the wrong place — to name just a few. She has had a facial tumour, three major cardiac surgeries and a replacement heart valve. This little girl is living with so many adversities that, just one of, would have defeated many other children but her mum describes her as “the happiest child you could ever hope to meet. Everyone who meets Katie loves her and she brings so much joy to the world.”

MAYA NASH – Brave and Courageous Child (11+)

Diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at just four years old, Maya spent much of her early years enduring operations, countless rounds of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone biopsies, cell harvesting and immunotherapy. Unfortunately, last year, shortly after her 10 th birthday, the cancer returned.

Despite currently undergoing another intensive round of chemotherapy, Maya is still choosing to tackle each day with strength and courage and her grandmother describes her as “a force of nature.”

BEACOCK-ADDLEY FAMILY – Courageous Family of the Year

Stephen was born with a hole in his heart, resulting in a surgery at just 5 months old, with more anticipated in the future. Sister, Charley, was put in an induced coma after contracting strep at 3 years old. When she was finally brought round, they discovered that she had suffered several strokes and would now live with communication issues, learning difficulties, mobility issues and bladder and bowel disorder. Meanwhile, their father, Jack, battled cancer. He is now, fortunately, in remission, though he has suffered long-lasting nerve damage. This family have had to deal with more hardship, in just a small number of years, than most have to deal with in their entire lifetime and are the true embodiment of togetherness.

The 21st annual Wards Children’s Awards underscore the resilience, bravery, and unwavering spirit of these extraordinary individuals and organisations. Their stories remind us that even in the face of adversity, hope and courage can prevail.

For more information about the Wards Children’s Awards, please visit

Birchington Heritage Trust

The Trust’s Heritage Open Day event on 8 September attracted around 150 visitors who ventured out despite the torrential rain showers.

Our rarely seen historic maps and related items on this year’s theme of “Transport and Connections” attracted a great deal of interest.

The Trust’s collection and archives are available at the museum, located within the library. They are a great resource for anyone wanting to find out more about Birchington’s history.

Our next event is something completely different. We will welcome Katharine Hook of “Sloe Seduction” who is giving a talk and demonstration about gin, sloe gin and chocolate. This promises to be a fun and entertaining evening. It is open to everyone. Entry is free to members of the Trust; non-members by donation.

The talk will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 26 September at The Centre, Alpha Road, Birchington. The bar will be open and a raffle will be held in aid of Trust funds.

For further information please visit the museum or our website: or on Facebook: @birchingtonheritage

Broadstairs Sailing Club

Broadstairs SC hosted another successful Dyson Dash Hospice Race on 26 August. This year, the fifteen event, raised over £2700 for the Pilgrims Hospice in Margate, Kent, bringing the total raised through the years to over £45000.

With thanks to Doug Spooner and Dave Ellis from the club for the words and Adrian Trice for photos:

Entry fees are not fixed but are a donation of the sailors’ choice to the local Pilgrims Hospice, or to a hospice of their choice. In addition to Broadstairs sailors, dinghies and yachts entered were from Downs SC, Minnis Bay SC and the Royal Temple Yacht Club.

The day started early with volunteers arriving to prepare breakfast in the clubhouse for hungry competitors and race volunteers. At the Race Office, the Race Officer was greeted by a calm sea, south running tide and a gentle 8 to 10 knots from the South West although all of the forecasts were anticipating more by the end of the day.

The event began with a 10.45 start for the yachts from the Royal Temple YC. Starting from an extended club line the fleet crossed the line in quick succession and headed out to sea to round the Broadstairs Knoll before heading back towards Ramsgate for a loop around some of the local channel buoys before finishing on their own club line.

Race 1

The dinghy fleet was boosted by visiting boats, and saw 21 racers, ranging from a lonely Topper up to Nacra 17, head out of the bay for the 11.00 start for the first race of 3 laps of a trapezoidal course. In a steadily increasing breeze the Nacra was always going to be the leading boat but it was closely followed by a Contender, Phantom, RS300 and the first of a growing fleet of Streakers. The Phantom of Paddy Denby took the win on handicap with Pete Noble’s Contender second and Dave Adam’s Streaker third.

Race 2

The format of the event then removes one of the marks for a triangular course, with the race team getting another clean start away just after 12.00. With a further increase in wind strength also starting to whip up the waves race 2 started with a reduced fleet, but the front runners remained very much the same including some close competition between the leading Streakers. The Nacra again lost out on handicap with Pete Noble taking the win from Dave Adams and Paddy Denby.

Race 3

Race 3 saw one more mark removed to leave a windward – leeward course for the final race and giving the three hard working rescue boat crews less to pull up at the end of the day. A further reduced fleet of 11 boats coped well with the strong SW breeze which was now gusting over 25 knots. Although the Nacra continued to lead the way, new faces appeared in the chasing group. Lee Goody in another Streaker took the win, followed by Dave Adams and the Solo of Dave Tomlinson. In the end only two points separated the first three boats with the overall winner being decided by countback. The front runners were always chased by the RS300 of Neal Gibson from Downs SC. At the end of the final race the Nacra 17 crewed by Ollie and William Northrop sailed away back to Minnis Bay SC, completing the passage in under an hour.

The final results with the winner taking the Dyson Dash Trophy:

1st Pete Noble Contender 2718 2, 1, 4 7pts

2nd Dave Adams Streaker 2151 3, 2, 2 7pts

3rd Paddy Denby Phantom 1452 1, 3, 5 9pts

Pete Noble receives the Dyson Dash Trophy

Also presented was the Two Fat Ladies trophy, awarded to any of the competitors judged by the race management and safety teams to be having the most fun on the day. After only a short discussion the trophy was awarded to the lone Topper sailor 13 year old Henry Hodge.

Michael Todd, the principal organiser of the event, expressed great thanks to all sailors, guests and helpers who made the event such a success.

Find out more about Broadstairs SC, an RYA Recognised Training Centre

Friends of St Nicholas at Wade Church

The Friends of St Nicholas at Wade Church will hold a Christmas craft fair on November 9 from 10am to 2pm.

There will be art and craft and charity stalls and refreshments.

The event will be held at the church and entry is free.

Tonetic Records

Sign up to Tonetic’s first ‘Industry Talk’ of 2024: Getting (and smashing) your first gigs’

Are you between the age of 16-25 and stuck on how to find your first gig? Finding gigs, preparing for them and playing them well are all skills which take time to develop, and there’s a lot to learn. This can be intimidating for newcomers to the scene. To demystify the process, a panel of local music industry professionals will provide straightforward tips on navigating the grassroots gigging world.
The guest speakers on our panel include André Dack (Ramsgate Music Hall) and debdepan.   A Q&A session will follow the panel talk.  We hope to see you there and to see you absolutely smashing your first gigs!

The Industry Talk will take place on the 22nd September at Arts Education Exchange, Cliftonville, at 1pm-3pm. Entry is FREE!

This talk has been supported using public funding by Arts Council England. Note your interest in attending this workshop here!

Gadds Green Hop Launch

Save the date: Saturday 21st September, noon-5pm

We’ll be launching our Green Hop Ale on Saturday 21st September. As expected, the barrel will be tapped at 12:30pm by our elected VIP. However, this year we’ve also got a few more surprises up our sleeve. We’ve been plotting behind the scenes and are excited to welcome ‘the spirit of the hop’ to sample the first pint of the season. The wonderful Theresa Askew (Ramsgate Carnival) and Phil Oldfield are helping to create a small-scale Green Hop Carnival spectacular…

We don’t want to spoil the surprise too much, but wear your greenest, funkiest outfits and get ready for some GADDS’ Green Hop madness.

Live music from GADDZUKES at 2pm and comfort food from Wrap-a-Roast (to soak up that Green Hop goodness) will be served all day.

Green Hop Beer Festival

Save the date: Saturday 5th October , noon-7pm

We’ve decided to add a new event to this year’s calendar, because you can never have too much Green Hop.

Featuring 12 guest Green Hop ales, live music from The SuperMicks, and curries from our friends at Karara.

This will be a day to celebrate the breadth of brilliant Green Hop beers that are brewed by some of our favourite breweries.

There will be more details coming over the following weeks, so keep an eye on our social media for more updates.

Community Lotto fund

Thanet council has launched a new grant fund; The Community Lotto Grant Fund which will draw down money raised by the Thanet Community Lotto. 

Thanet has a number of established voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups. They work hard to provide a range of much needed services to the people living in the district and rely on the support of volunteers and funding.

In a bid to help these organisations to continue the fantastic work they are doing, grants of between £1,000 and £2,000 will be made available this autumn. The lotto which was set up in 2017 has accumulated funds of £70,000 through ticket sales.

To be eligible for a grant an organisation must be not-for-profit, based in Thanet and its activities must achieve charitable and community aims, serving the Thanet area. These include registered charities, companies limited by guarantee, constituted community groups or clubs, Community Interest Companies (CICs) and Charitable Incorporated Organisations. The projects receiving a grant must take place in Thanet and meet the objective of promoting ‘Pride in Place’.

Organisations that have already received a grant through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme may apply.

The deadline for applications is 12pm on Monday 7 October 2024. Confirmation of successful applications will be announced w/c Monday 4 November 2024. Projects in receipt of a grant will need to be completed and grant funding spent by 31 December 2025.

Organisations who would like to apply can do so via a form on the website and there are a number of Frequently Asked Questions to assist applicants with queries.

Turner Contemporary, Salmestone primary and Mull Club

On Friday 20 September, Turner Contemporary will host a special event to mark the Great British Beach Clean, underlining its commitment to the environment and its role within Margate’s unique coastal community. Thirty Year 6 students from Salmestone School will participate in a beach clean at Margate Main Sands, followed by a recycling workshop and a plastic moulding session.

Turner Contemporary has a renewed focus on environmental issues that influence its gallery programming and foster collaboration between artists, educators, and environmental partners. This event reflects that commitment by bringing together local students and the Margate-based recycling company – Müll Club – to address the issue of plastic pollution.

During the event, students will remove plastic waste from Margate’s beach while learning about the environmental impact of litter. Following the beach clean, they will take part in a live recycling workshop led by Müll Club, which specialises in transforming discarded plastic into practical products. The workshop will give students a hands-on experience of the recycling process, allowing them to turn collected plastic into unique key rings designed especially for the event.

Thomas Platten, headteacher of Salmestone Primary School said: “Salmestone Primary School is delighted to be partnering with Turner Contemporary and Müll Club. It is our aim to engage all our children in their learning, developing a love of learning and of their local natural environment. This is a great opportunity for our students to take part in a national initiative and learn more about the recycling process.”

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