Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School student gains place at National Youth Theatre

Bessie Molyneux, from Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School, has just been accepted into the National Youth Theatre
Bessie Molyneux, from Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School, has just been accepted into the National Youth Theatre

Bessie Molyneux, from Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School, has just been accepted into the National Youth Theatre.

Bessie, who is currently studying A levels in Chatham and Clarendon’s sixth form, submitted her video application and was invited to take part in an online audition. She then had to wait until earlier this month to find out if she had been successful.

Mr Smith, Head of Drama, said: “Last year we ran workshops and auditions with NYT and were thrilled when two of our students, Maddie Sales and Apollo Stocker, were offered a place in the National Youth Theatre.

“It was a fantastic result and the overall standard from our students was really high. Afterwards the National Theatre’s Youth director said “[Bessie’s] very close, you should encourage her to audition again next year.” We’re so pleased that she did.

“Life is about not letting those ‘nearly’ moments knock you back, but instead take ownership of them and turn them into a springboard. That’s exactly what Bessie’s done. She dusted herself off and went again – and that’s what makes the difference… it’s the ones who don’t give up who finally get where they want to be.”

Bessie said: “I’m so excited and happy to become a member of NYT. Without the support from my teachers and doing Theatre Studies, I wouldn’t have been able to build on what little confidence I had at the beginning of year 12.”

Mrs Cackett, one of Bessie’s drama teachers, added: “We are so thrilled for Bessie. She’s such a lovely student and she’s in really good company with Maddie and Apollo. They were both really excited for her too.

“We’re very fortunate here to have such a close and supportive student base. And with students like Bessie, Maddie and Apollo to look up to, it has a ripple effect across the school. They are all ‘guiding lights’ and its thoroughly deserved.”

The National Youth Theatre is one of the most sought after and competitive theatre groups in the UK. Each year thousands of young people between the age of 14-25 apply for just a handful of places. If their audition is successful they are then given the opportunity to take part in an induction workshop and then remain members until they are 25, providing them special access to training workshops, castings, discounted tickets and much more.

You can see Bessie performing with some of her peers in Behind Closed Doors, next Monday 20th May at the Chatham and Clarendon Sixth Form Centre. Tickets are available at: