Porchlight visit to Hartsdown Academy to thank students for brilliant sleep-out fundraiser

Abbie Wiggans, from Porchlight, headteacher Matt Tate, students and staff

After the recent success of their sleepout to raise money for Porchlight, students and staff from Hartsdown Academy welcomed Abbie Wiggans to the school to speak about the charity and the amazing work they do.

As part of their IBCP Service Learning students were tasked with giving back to the community. Students from Hartsdown Academy, along with support from willing staff members, chose to raise money for Porchlight by participating in a sponsored sleepout. Students slept outside, overnight on the school grounds with cardboard mats and sleeping bags.

The students involved in the event raised an impressive £738.75 – an amount that will go a long way into further supporting the work of Porchlight.

Vicky Pottinger, Chair of Governors at Hartsdown Academy said: “I am hugely proud of this group of young people who not only care passionately about the issues within our community but have also taken positive action to contribute to helping those who need it most.

“Hartsdown Academy continues to nurture students who strive to make a difference in the world and these students have demonstrated the impact they can make through this impressive fund-raising initiative for Porchlight. Congratulations to all who took part.”

Sponsored sleep out for Porchlight

Abbie Wiggans, Porchlight Corporate and Community Fundraising Officer, added: “From everyone at Porchlight, we’d like to thank the students who took part in the Hartsdown Academy Sponsored Sleep Out.

“They raised an incredible amount for such a small group, and they should all feel very proud of themselves. I really enjoyed coming to meet everyone and felt so welcomed at the school.

“The money raised will help us at Porchlight to support homeless and vulnerable people across Kent. Well done, Hartsdown, keep up the amazing charity work.”

Find out more about Porchlight here

Hartsdown staff and students sleep out to raise funds for homelessness charity Porchlight

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