Ofsted Inadequate grading for Sandwich Tech branded ‘biased and disproportionate’ by headteacher

Image Nick Smith / Sandwich Technology School (wikimedia commons)

Sandwich Technology School has received an Inadequate grading from education watchdog Ofsted.

The school was graded inadequate in all areas except 6th form provision which was rated as good following an inspection in May.

A report by the Ofsted inspectors says: “Despite many positive relationships between pupils and staff, low standards of behaviour and attitudes have created a culture in which reasonable expectations are routinely flouted. Bullying and fighting are commonplace, and lessons are often disrupted.

“Attendance is low, and there are high levels of in-school truancy. As a result, many pupils have a fragmented experience of education.

“The school’s safeguarding culture is poor. When pupils are absent, procedures to establish their whereabouts lack rigour, and actions to seek assurance about their safety are often delayed.

“When in school, the chaotic environment has left some pupils feeling unsafe. Some pupils do not report concerns because they do not trust the school to deal with them.

“Pupils do not benefit from an effective personal development curriculum. They do not have an understanding of fundamental British values, and their knowledge of different faiths and cultures is limited. This means pupils are not adequately prepared for life in modern Britain.

“The quality of education is not good enough. Although the curriculum is ambitious and carefully planned, expectations are too low, and the quality of teaching is inconsistent. Consequently, most pupils underachieve significantly.

“Standards are higher in the sixth form. Leaders set high expectations for students’ education, attendance and pastoral care. As a result, students in the sixth form get a better deal.”

Inspectors say too many pupils struggle to remember what they have been taught and outcomes in exams are persistently low.

The report adds that “too many pupils do not attend school regularly, and in-school truancy is high. A significant minority of pupils often wander the corridors and choose to miss lessons. Staff struggle to return these pupils to lessons because of the number and attitudes of those involved.

“Standards of behaviour are poor. In some lessons, pupils behave calmly. However, in others, expectations are not consistently applied, which allows poor behaviour to disrupt learning. Fights are a regular occurrence during social times. Pupils and parents say that bullying happens and is not dealt with effectively. Pupils do not always report concerns due to a lack of confidence in the school’s ability to deal with issues effectively.”

Inspectors did acknowledge the quality of 6th Form teaching, saying: “Students benefit from a more consistent quality of education, taught by experienced and knowledgeable staff. “Students are well behaved and engaged in their learning. High expectations, uncapped aspirations and strong pastoral support from the school ensure that students achieve well.”

The school was previously graded as Good following an inspection in 2019.

Complaint lodged

However, Sandwich Tech has made a complaint about the ‘biased and disproportionate’ report and a letter to parents says this is in the process of being escalated to an independent adjudicator.

The letter from headteacher Tracey Savage, who leaves her role at the end of the year, says: “Governors, leaders of the school and staff accept that there are aspects of the school that have been significantly affected since the covid-19 pandemic and require improvement (mainly attendance and behaviour) but we believe the report is not a fair reflection of Sandwich Technology School.”

Ms Savage says schools across the country are dealing with areas of concerns such as attendance, mental health, behaviour, parent complaints and antisocial behaviour since covid, adding: “We are disappointed that Ofsted has judged us severely for our share of national problems and has offered no solutions.”

The school, now in Special Measures, also disputes the branding of safeguarding as ineffective, saying that was not the view of an external safeguarding expert.

Ms Savage says work has already started on plans to address the issues raised and she asks parents to be supportive.

The Government has now removed one word ratings from Ofsted inspections but this was not in time for the Sandwich Tech inspection.

Ms Savage says in the letter: “I believe Sandwich Technology School is a good school that works hard for its community and I am proud of it. It is my hope that as a school, with the aid of our parents and local community,  we can move beyond this report and focus on what matters – the students and their education.”

The full report can be found at: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/23/136317