U-turn over Family Hub public consultation venue in Margate after just one member of public attends

Councillors Jack Packman and Barry Lewis want services retained at Millmead

Kent County Council has changed the venue for a drop-in about the future of Millmead Children’s Centre after just one member of the public turned out for today’s session.

KCC wants to save £426,000 by not renewing contracts for commissioned services at the Millmead centre and  Seashells in Sheerness, when they end in March 2025.

Some £220,000 is spent on services at Millmead and this makes up around half of the centre’s annual funding.

If the proposals go ahead families will be expected to use Margate Family Hub (formerly Six Bells), Northdown Road Family Hub (formerly known as Quarterdeck) and Cliftonville Family Hub (formerly Children’s Centre) to access KCC funded services.

Drop-in sessions to discuss the plans were arranged for today (September 2) and September 12 to take place at the Margate hub (Six Bells) but Thanet and Kent councillors Jack Packman and Barry Lewis questioned why the events were not arranged to take place at Millmead to make sure they were accessible to those who would be affected.

Cllr Lewis said the turn out of just three councillors – Cllr Packman, Cllr Lewis and Cllr Martin Boyd – and one member of the public – affordable food champion Sharon Goodyer- to today’s session was proof that families would not undertake the three mile round trip to other centres.

He said KCC has now performed a U turn with the September 12th session, running from 10am to 1pm, moved to Millmead.

Cllr Lewis said: “I am delighted that KCC has agreed to the request by Jack Packman and myself to have the drop-in consultation at Millmead.

“This follows the fact that only one member of the public turned up to the session at the Six Bells and proves that the three miles round trip to that centre is not practical and confirms our commitment that the Millmead centre needs to stay open for the people who live in that area.”

On August 27, staff, parents and little ones, campaigners and ward councillor Jack Packman undertook the walk from Millmead Children’s Centre to the Margate Family Hub (former Six Bells Centre) in the High Street to demonstrate the difficulties families will face if service cuts at Millmead go ahead.

Centre manager Jan Collins said: “The “Save Millmead” walk was arranged and led by the local community with the full support of Millmead employees and interested parties, including Thanet District Council.

“In the consultation document for closure of the Centre alternative services would be provided in other Kent County Council, (KCC), Family Hubs.  Access to these would mean that families would have to walk as the bus service is poor and costly.  Imagine this in the winter, poor weather, darkness morning and afternoon with babies and young children

“To understand the difficulties the local community proposed that these concerns should be tested, rather than assumed and the event was able to offer proof of distance and difficult terrain in relation to the destination.  This was endorsed by our employees and by other participants, including Thanet District Council.”

Have your say

The consultation runs until 22 September

For full details of the proposal and to have your say visit: www.kent.gov.uk/familyhubsconsultation

For queries or requests for hard copies, email [email protected]

For alternative formats, email [email protected] or call 03000 421553 (text relay service number 18001 03000 421553).

Drop-in Thursday 12 September, 10am to 1pm, Millmead Children’s Centre


  1. KCC have cut the bus services we used to have a bus service every half hour; we now have one every hour because Stage Coach keep cancelling them, and now they expect the Hubs to move to other locations that you can’t get to unless you own a car. Lets remember the Iceland bank, the legal department that lost money year on year. Why are the road plans 5 not been shelved until the council can afford them?

  2. All we have heard from KCC for 14 years is cuts to services and amenities / bus services / child services / road services / special needs education services, and many more services being reduced. All down to the Tories policies of grab-all-and-give-nothing-back. Now Labour are in power I’m expecting things will change very much for the better. Of course taxes have to pay for these services for the benefit of those who use them. The cuts the Tories made only benefited the rich in paying less tax on the condition that they could give donations to the Conservative Party. On other words corruption !!!

    • Tories, Labour, no difference anymore. The corruption will be the same. There are alternative parties but they have never been allowed to prove themselves.

  3. Do KCC have any say or control over bus routes or timing? Given that they’re local buses and franchised out I’d have thought it was Stagecoach…or at least TDC?!

  4. Jay,at moment privatised bus companies are allowed by kcc to decide what buses to run,all decided on profit. Labour policy is to change to TRANSPORT for KENT strategy which give overall control back to kcc,people before profit

  5. Kathy Bailes.
    When something somebody “said” is reported, is it checked to make sure it’s true? Or is it just repeated?
    I can’t find anything to confirm that Thanet District Council gave this walk their full support or endorsement in any way.
    Any idea where I could find it?

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