Westgate resident Kass to take on walking fundraiser for Pilgrims Hospices in thanks for mum Sue’s care

Kass and mum Sue

Westgate resident Kass Rose will take on a 10-mile walking challenge from Westgate to Herne Bay on 28 August, raising vital funds for Pilgrims Hospices.

The 36-year-old has already exceeded her £250 fundraising target but hopes to raise even more.

Her mum, Sue Warren, 67, from Cliffsend, is currently being supported by the local hospice charity after being diagnosed with bowel cancer in January 2023.

Kass, who is a Duty Manager at Turner Contemporary in Margate, will walk with her friend, Catriona.

She said: “The walk is a big challenge for me as I have a disability myself, but I’m excited to do it and get going.

“When Mum was first diagnosed, it was a very scary, shocking time for our family. But she’s still going strong, drinking her wine and enjoying life, despite her illness. She really looks forward to attending Living Well, a Wellbeing group at the Thanet hospice, each week.

“It’s so good for her mental health. Pilgrims has been very supportive of her and her needs, and she comes out smiling. I know they will continue to support her through her cancer journey, making her life comfortable and happy.”

Sue is a keen creative; she belongs to patchwork groups in Thanet and has led a felt art workshop at the Living Well group. She also plans to join the Time to Create therapeutic arts group and get involved with Look Club, a Turner Contemporary initiative that is collaborating with Pilgrims to facilitate art experiences for patients.

Sue, who worked as an A&E nurse for most of her career, said: “When palliative care was first mentioned to me, the nurse said, “Don’t be alarmed”, but I didn’t need to think about it – I said, “Yes, please.” Pilgrims has so much to offer. I’ve enjoyed music and dancing, and we’ve had some very good speakers; the Powell-Cotton Museum gave a really interesting history talk. I’ve also had reiki therapy, which was lovely. Pilgrims gives me hope and purpose.”

Kass added: “I’ve seen first-hand how Pilgrims support patients and their families. It’s a place where you can go to get the extra support you need for yourself and loved ones. They don’t just offer end-of-life care, but also help people to live well. I hope that any money I raise and donate will enable others to benefit from Pilgrims care in the future.”

You can follow Kass’ fundraising journey and donate via her JustGiving page: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/katherine-rose-4

For more information on Pilgrims Hospices’ Wellbeing Programme, visit pilgrimshospices.org/wellbeing, email [email protected] or call the Pilgrims Hospices Advice Line on 01233 504 133.