Dane Valley Residents Association join campaign effort to save Millmead Children’s Centre

Campaign posters and (inset) Centre manager Jan Collins with Cllr Barry Lewis (Photo LDRS)

Dane Valley Residents Association has joined the campaign to save Millmead Children’s Centre.

Kent County Council wants to save £426,000 by not renewing contracts for commissioned services at Millmead centre and  Seashells in Sheerness, when they end in March 2025. It is understood around £225,000 of that is funding for the centre at Dane Valley Road in Margate.

This sum is around half of the centre’s annual funding. The centre is funded in two, separate ways – the nursery (62 places) and community development and support (1104 people in June 2024).

The centre has 27 staff and seven volunteers whose roles are likely to be under threat.

The “pantry” at the rear where a foodbank and subscription food service operates from will also be at risk.

Millmead Children’s Centre

KCC says Millmead and Seashells are the only two externally commissioned Family Hubs in Kent. The council directly runs the rest of Kent’s Family Hub provision.

A consultation on the future of the services has been launched. This only relates to the services provided under the commissioned contract for KCC’s Children’s Services and not the closure of the buildings themselves.

In Dane Valley posters have been printed for shop and home windows and association members, centre manager Jan Collins and county councillor Barry Lewis are going door to door to explain the situation and how people can take part in the consultation.

County Councillor Barry Lewis

Cllr Barry Lewis said: “The residents in the local community have reacted with anger and dismay. We are arranging door to door discussions to encourage people to fill out the consultation.

“Local shops are putting up the posters which have been donated via a generous donation from a local celebrity who wants to remain anonymous.

“The best way to fill out the consultation is online but given the situation of some people who do not have internet access, we are encouraging them to come into the Millmead centre to collect paper copies.

“The community is of one that these vital children’s services from a centre serving the community for more than 20 years should remain to help people survive and have a healthy life.”

Anyone wanting further details or help can contact Dane Valley Residents Association on [email protected] or [email protected] of see the Dane Valley Matters facebook page

Have your say

The consultation will run until 22 September.

For full details of the proposal and to have your say visit: www.kent.gov.uk/familyhubsconsultation

For queries or requests for hard copies, email [email protected]

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