Call for action to combat illegal raves, camping and ‘piles of human waste’ at Botany Bay

Complaints of camping, raves and human waste left at Botany Bay

Cliftonville East ward councillors are asking for urgent action following illegal raves, overnight camping and mess, including human waste, left at Botany Bay.

They say the beauty spot has suffered significant littering following recent unauthorised gatherings and overnight camping.

Emails and calls from concerned residents have been received by councillors, detailing disturbances from loud music and the presence of waste that poses a health risk, particularly to families visiting the beach with young children.

Cllr Marc Rattigan said:“While the council takes action to shut off the beach when human waste is detected in the water, they have allowed piles of human waste to accumulate on the beach itself. This is unacceptable and poses a serious health hazard for families.

“The council must take a firmer stance on these illegal raves and overnight camping to protect our community and our environment.”

The matter was reported to the Thanet council’s enforcement team and the police, but Cllr Rattigan says residents are frustrated by a lack of immediate action.

The ward councillors are urging Thanet council to implement stronger enforcement measures, including increased patrols on weekends, clear penalties for violators, and community engagement initiatives to ensure residents feel supported in reporting incidents.

Ward councillors Cedric Towning, Marc Rattigan and Barry Manners

“We must come together as a community to preserve the beauty of Botany Bay and ensure it remains a safe and welcoming space for everyone,” added Cllr Rattigan.

‘Coastal Enforcement Officer patrol’

Thanet council says the street cleansing team dealt with waste left by an illegal encampment at Botany Bay on Tuesday 6 August. A council spokesperson added that there will also be extra enforcement patrols.

They said: “Thanet has 19 miles of beautiful coastline and keeping it that way requires people to enjoy it respectfully. Large scale events should be booked with our events team in advance, and toilet facilities and provision for rubbish collection put in place.

“The waste left by an illegal encampment at Botany Bay was cleared by our Street Cleansing team on Tuesday 6 August. To help prevent further illegal encampments, a Coastal Enforcement Officer will patrol Botany Bay, at least once a day on Saturdays and Sundays, until the end of the summer season on Monday 30 September.”

Botany Bay Photo by Carole Adams

Thanet has a Beach and Coast Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in place aimed at making sure the district’s beaches are clean and safe. The PSPO prohibits a range of activities including camping on the beach and large gatherings, unless prior permission has been given.

Coastal Enforcement Officers patrol the coastline and speak to anyone who is breaking the Beach and Coast PSPO, telling them the rules and encouraging them to respect our beaches and to take their litter home.

If this approach fails, Enforcement Officers can issue Fixed Penalty Notices. Bay Inspectors support this on the main bathing beaches.

The coastal PSPO, brought in during 2021, prohibits: 

  • Parking/driving on the promenades or beaches without permission
  • Cycling on the promenades between 10am and 6pm from 1 May to 30 September where localised signage requires you to dismount
  • Bonfires, balloon and sky lantern releases on any council land
  • BBQ’s on council land apart from on beaches after 6pm
  • Horse riding on beaches or promenades between 9am and 7pm from 1 May to 30 September (or all year round at Pegwell Bay)
  • Encampments (including tents, campervans, marquees, yurts etc) on beaches, promenades, clifftops, nearby green spaces, car parks and surrounding areas of the public realm without prior consent of the council,with the exception of sun shades.
  • The use of personal powered watercraft (including jet skis) in a manner that poses a risk to the safety of people or wildlife
  • The use of personal powered watercraft(including jet skis) in a manner that has the potential to cause harassment, alarm and distress to any other beach or coast users, or residents
  • Preaching, lectures, music and entertainment or sporting events unless prior permission has been granted by the council
  • Urination, defecation, spitting or littering
  • Drinking alcohol in a public place, after being told not to
  • Ingesting, inhaling, injecting, smoking or otherwise using drugs or substances reasonably believed to be psychoactive substances
  • Possessing or releasing any canister containing compressed gas.

Link to Beach and Coast PSPO Code of Conduct