‘Poo-covered’ ice cream van visits Margate to hand out ‘sewage sundaes’ in water quality protest

Campaign group 38 Degrees serving up ‘sewage sundaes’ Picture by © Nigel Howard

People in Margate can pick up a free ice cream today (June 17) – if they can cope with a disgusting twist!

Campaign group 38 Degrees will be visiting the harbour from 11.30am to 4pm, to highlight the issue of sewerage water releases across the country by handing out free sewage themed ice cream sundaes.

In a bid to help the public to take action against sewage spills “turning beaches into open toilets,” 38 Degrees is taking a ‘poo covered’ ice cream van on tour with free ice cream cones in a range of flavours and with poo-themed names and decorations.

At each stop, beach goers will be offered the chance to take action by signing a 38 Degrees petition, which has over 40,000 signatures from members of the public already, demanding that whoever becomes the next Prime Minister takes proper action to end sewage spills once and for all, by punishing polluting water companies.

Picture by © Nigel Howard

Matthew McGregor, CEO, at 38 Degrees, said: “Summer holidays are around the corner – but our Great British Seaside is under threat, and we’ve had enough. That’s why 38 Degrees has brought our poo-themed ice cream van to Margate: to highlight how water companies are turning our beaches into open toilets, by transforming the classic seaside ice cream cone into ‘sewage sundaes’.

“Luckily, unlike Kent’s beautiful coastline, our ice creams won’t actually contain any human waste – but behind this silly stunt is a deadly serious point.

“People across Kent don’t want to swim in seas filled with poo, let alone let their kids splash around in it. Whoever becomes our next Prime Minister has the chance to change that.

“We’ll be giving people in Margate  the chance to have their voices heard on this huge national issue – and pick up a delicious treat while they’re at it.”