CRABS quartet launch Down From London album with party at the Tom Thumb Theatre

CRABS say they describe Margate just as it really is Photo Pete Woodhead

The debut album from CRABS, Down From London, will be released this month with a launch party at the Tom Thumb Theatre in Cliftonville.

Described as a must for fans of Damaged Goods records, Art Brut, first generation punk and sixties garage, the album has been created by a tongue-in-cheek group of four who say they are: “Middle-aged Margate-dwelling musos who are annoyed at having to converse with Tracey Emin or Jay Joplin every time they pop out for some milk or a 4-pack of Polish lager.”

They claim they are: “Tackling hyperlocal mysteries around pretend rock formations, which they tear into with the same speed and aplomb as they do into Airbnb owners who care more about vintage radiators than the ballooning cost of local rents.”

Down From London contains tracks including I Was There First; Campervan and Everything’s Sh*t and is being released on DFL Records on June 21  on CD and digital via Bandcamp.

Crabs will also be returning to the Tom Thumb Theatre for an album launch the same day (June 21), almost six months to the day since their triumphant CRABSmas Christmas party.

A night of organised chaos and exceptional music is promised. Support comes from Medway rock n rollers Thee Mongrels, and Broadstairs’ finest Harmony Bo.

Launch party starts at 7pm. Tickets are £8 and can be booked here

 Down From London is available to pre-order here.

Find Crabs on facebook here