Margate Town Deal calls for project ideas for £25 million fund

How could the government cash be used to improve Margate? Photo Frank Leppard

Residents are being invited to submit proposals for economic regeneration in Margate.

In September last year, Margate was shortlisted as one of 101 towns in England that could potentially benefit from up to £25million of funding from the introduction of the new Government Towns Fund.

The money is to be used to drive economic development, focusing on urban regeneration, improved transport, better broadband connectivity, skills and culture.

The council has brought together a Board, including representatives from public and private sectors, that is required to develop and submit a Town Investment Plan by the end of October.

The plan needs to focus on urban regeneration; planning and land use; skills and enterprise infrastructure and connectivity.

The Margate Town Deal Board is now inviting proposals for projects which could be included. It has created a Call for Projects form which is designed to allow residents, organisations and businesses to submit proposals or investment ideas that fit with the objectives of the Town Deal Fund and drive economic regeneration in Margate.

Graham Razey, Chair of the Margate Town Deal Board said: “This is an exciting time for Margate and I’d like to encourage as many of you as possible to share ideas and project proposals with us.

“Projects should be clearly defined, consistent with the Towns Fund objectives and focused on Margate and Cliftonville. Please be bold in your thinking, especially when considering what Margate’s future could hold. Whilst we need a deliverable Investment Plan, we want it to be ambitious in order to secure the best possible outcomes for the town.”

Any organisation wishing to put forward a project should do so by noon on Friday, August 14.

More information and the ‘Call for Projects’ Form can be found at:

Projects will need a lead individual or organisation and have the ability to be scoped into a deliverable plan.


  1. Sort out the public toilets so that the people who come to see the regenerated area have somewhere to go and get rid of the unsightly portaloos by the clock tower.
    Also get the clock tower to tell the right time. It’s only right twice a day at the moment.

    • Arlington is a classic and should be listed. That its never been maintained and repaired properly is the problem, TDC could’nt get rid of it fast enough when it “ twisted” in the 87 storm, which may suggest that insurance cover at the time was somewhat lacking.

  2. The Margate Town Deal Board.Any organisation wishing to put forward a project should do so by noon on Friday, August 14.

    not an origination so cannot engage but why use this social media as a free local consultation scheme.

    Tbh every thanet area needs 24 hour (proper) policing,social services,cleaning and ferrel family help,reduction of hmo’s fly tipping etc.

    make thanet better,its so easy !

    hey i love thanet but not the pen pushers who make our decisions. ask me why.

  3. Get the clock at St Pauls refurbished and working again it’s been nearly two years now.
    Get all the residential streets that are narrow or have play areas in 20 mph. Make the roads safe at night with decent lighting instead of these dim LED lamps on high columns.
    Put flower pots in the streets along with chicanes to help slow down traffic speeding through zones.
    Compulsory purchase all the derelict sites that have been left since the buildings were burnt down and demolished then build on them. CPO empty shops and residences too and get them all in use again.
    With that kind of money to spend on Margate/Cliftonville there is such a lot that can be done to improve the look of the area to encourage tourism back. But I reserve judgement until I see the money being spent on these and other projects, and not the usual Dreamland and Turner Gallery stuff.

    • I like the idea of Compulsory Purchase Orders on empty or derelict properties. Then refurbish and rent out or sell.
      Making the place look lived-in.
      This is one of the basics of local regeneration but it is never funded. As said, too much goes on prestige projects to excite interest, like Dreamland and the Turner Gallery (no objection to either.They are great projects!) But we need more money for local councils to spend on these basic activities like toilets, street lighting, affordable homes,removing derelict buildings etc.
      This new regeneration scheme hardly replaces all the money lost to local Councils over the last ten years, though. So it smacks of just another gimmick to make us think something is being done.

  4. Here is my resume for project Cliftonville.

    I want to see stub it out bins as part of my project
    I want to see new environmental bins. The ones we have stink not sanitised and we can do better.
    The project wants to see WiFi in every shop we have in Northdown Road.
    Urban regeneration of our area along the promenade
    Benches fixed
    Shelter fixed
    Bandstand concerts
    Pitch and putt
    Crazy golf
    Our children need better play equipment.

    I would like to run a new built hub to teach groups of people adults and children Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

    I want chewing gum removed from margate and Cliftonville

    I want a poetry museum. Celebrating those poets who wrote here.

    I want cycle paths

    I want our theatres restored.

    Tea rooms.

    People teaching art.

    Kind Ness… I want a welcome to Cliftonville sign we don’t have any.

    Hanging baskets
    Christmas lightd
    Christine party at Dalby Square.

    Lots of ideas in mine.

  5. Whatever happened to the plan to pedestrianise marine parade and widen the pavement areas and reduce traffic and pollution. along this thoroughfare ?Why not introduce horse drawn carriages and charabanc ( excuse the french ) to take locals and tourists around town and to other outlying sites of interest .
    Arlington house is here to stay as are 60s’s concrete blocks why not capitalise on this unique block and site and organise tours of the building and develop a range of artistic and cultural events and activities much like post communist tourism evolved parodying earlier times .

  6. How about a playground in Dane Park among the trees in the lower section where the pond was once before. The playground could be as good as the one at Folkestone. Spread out with wooden castles and sand pits.

    Also, all the above points about tarting up the front. A few licks of paint here and there.
    Then go to town with the other 24 million!

    • Agree with this. Move some of the footfall into Cliftonville with the spending power which accompanies it.

  7. Just please,please,please don’t let TDC have any real influence on how it is spent. Their ability to waste money is legendary.

  8. Focus on Margate’s strengths, which is day trippers from London who want a good day out, not necessarily a cultural experience. Get the Lido back up and running; encourage development of bars, hotels and restaurants along the sea front; build a conference centre for sustained business travel through the winter months. Encourage local people to spend more time outside with free outside gym equipment on the sea front and in parks.

  9. Toilets, Lido, wintergardens, all done properly and to last. Any money left over take legal action to enforce the terms of the lease on Arlington house in repect of maintenance and repairs , along with ensuring dreamland has a future and doesn’t become another pleasurama style debacle.

  10. could use the turner gallery as a music event hall for live music groups an bands single solo artist and DJ’s or for entertainment of any kind from stand up comedy to sit down shows plays etc. can be used all day every day 7days aweek all year round what ever the weather by doing this it not only generates jobs for us locals but also would bring the people back to margate and make it so they want to come back again and again..turner center is a waste of money for what its being used as now, its not done us any favours or done anything to bring the people back into margate .

  11. Toilets need to be renovated and even a small charge so someone could look after them on a daily basis. Also the Lido needs bringing back to life with an outdoor pool and facilities. All around our coast needs updating .

  12. Very funny that a man that hates Arts of any kind and Margate is Chair of Margate Town Deal. Very typical he cant think for himself so gets other people to come up with great ideas which his OBE is based. Maybe this will help him to achieve a knighthood.

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