Reception children explore life at Palm Bay Primary School

Fun for Reception children at Palm Bay

The reception classes at Palm Bay Primary School have made a smooth transition into the new academic year, embracing their first weeks with enthusiasm and curiosity.

The children have been enjoying exploring their new environment and building strong relationships with their teachers and fellow pupil.

Over the last few weeks, the children have started to learn their phonics sounds and have begun orally blending these together. They have also been learning how to hold their pencil correctly and are spending time learning correct letter formation.

During Maths this week, the children have been learning what it means to subitise and have been practicing this skill through a range of activities.

Last week, the children had their first art lesson with Palm Bay’s specialist art teacher and artist, Mrs Tong, as well as having a PE lesson exploring balancing with sports coach, Miss Delderfield.

Miss O’Carroll, EYFS/KS1 Lead and Reception Class Teacher, said: “I am extremely proud of how well all of the children have settled into school life at Palm Bay. It has been wonderful seeing and experiencing the ‘awe and wonder’ the children have when exploring a new environment for the first time. I’m looking forward to the year ahead!”

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