Plans approved for cafe, bar, wellness garden, outdoor gym, book shop and retail units at The Oval Bandstand and Lawns

Oval Bandstand Photo John Horton

Additional reporting by Local Democracy Reporter Daniel Esson

Plans to create a café and events bar, wellness garden with outdoor gym, greenhouse, shipping containers for food and drink retail units, a community book shop and perimeter fencing at The Oval Bandstand and Lawns have been approved by Thanet council.

The part retrospective application by GRASS Cliftonville CIC also includes plans for covered outdoor seating areas, wildflower meadows, mini forests, interpretation and notice boards, bike racks, bins, bollards, seating and a boulder water feature.

The bandstand amphitheatre project, which also features The Oval Pavilion, will include a cafe, training and job opportunities, better toilet facilities, and an events bar.

Two 20ft shipping containers and one 10ft shipping container at the bandstand amphitheatre, in addition to the 20ft storeroom already present on-site, are to house five new retail units for local food and beverage businesses. Inspired by the success of Ellington Park, one of these units is earmarked to become a community bookshop.

All the shipping containers are to be clad to reduce the industrial appearance.

Raised planters, recycling stations with  signage, a fence either side of the pavilion covered in climbing plants, and a decked terrace with picnic tables are also included.

Temporary permission for the Heras fencing at the site will run until the end of 2026. An application will be made for permanent fencing to continue after that point.

The wellness garden will have a series of garden spaces connected by paths and will have  features such as bird friendly water features, bug and bee hotels, seating and lighting. An outdoor gym area will also be included.

The fencing around the amphitheatre is to “safeguard the site during the night-time and shield it from vandalism.”

A number of public submissions, both in support and making objections, were lodged over the plans.

Objections include complaints about the ‘prison’ fencing and the siting of the shipping containers in a conservation area, Supporters said the works will improve the site and offer wellbeing and cafe facilities.

At a planning committee meeting last night September 18) GRASS co-director Simon Bell told members: “Since the installation of the temporary fence in spring 2023 the transformation has been remarkable, the site has become more secure, enabling proper ticketing and creating a family-friendly environment, free from drug dealing and antisocial behaviour.

“We’ve always intended to open it daily for people to freely enjoy the surroundings and access the toilets.

“With this planning permission we can now start opening every day, operating the kiosk, café and community bookshop ensuring the amphitheatre remains fully accessible and free from vandalism.”

Mr Bell says more than 100 events have been hosted at The Oval Bandstand and Lawns with more than 37,000 visitors since GRASS took over community ownership of  the site in 2021 when the freehold was transferred to the group by Thanet council.

The scheme was well-received by councillors, with Cllr Kristian Bright (Lab) saying: “I’m really impressed with this.

“It’s a place of entertainment it always was and will be in future – I think it’s returning it to its historic place.”

“I’ve watched what has happened at the Oval over the last few years and seen all the fantastic development that’s gone on there and the events that have gone on so I’m very supportive of it,” added Cllr Heather Keen (Lab).

TDC’s planning committee voted unanimously to approve the bid.

Simon Bell, Honey Tomlin Graham and Stephen Darrer of GRASS

Speaking after the meeting, GRASS co-director Stephen Darrer said: “It’s been a long slog but it’s been great to finally get it done.

“We’re delighted and the whole team is delighted.

“It’s an exciting time for Cliftonville, obviously there’s lots happening within Margate and it’s great to give something back to the community.”

GRASS has also received a “significant” grant from government, with a deadline of March next year to spend funding they were given.

Mr Bell said: “It’s been a long and stressful process, but we are absolutely thrilled to have received a unanimous vote from the councillors, who expressed huge enthusiasm for the project.

“We would like to thank all our supporters who have attended our events throughout the summer, including a special thanks to Green Councillor Tricia Austin for her invaluable support at the committee meeting, and to the Thanet council planning officers for their guidance and hard work throughout the process.

Photo Frank Leppard

“We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of people who sent letters of support to the council and signed our petition. Your voices were crucial in helping us achieve this positive outcome.

“With this approval, the secured government funding we received for the upgrades can now be put to use, allowing us to move forward with transforming The Oval into a dynamic space for the community. This is fantastic news for everyone involved, as the funding will help us create sustainable facilities that can be enjoyed by all.

Photo Frank Leppard

“The hard work begins now, as we aim to complete construction over the winter months to ensure The Oval amphitheatre is open during the day next summer, providing a welcoming and revitalised space for the public to enjoy.”

GRASS is open to expressions of interest from businesses that would like to take up space at the shipping container units.

To celebrate, residents are invited to the bandstand for a Taking Care of Vegas concert on Friday, 20th September, from 6pm to 8:30pm.

Cliftonville’s Oval Bandstand and amphitheatre dates back to 1897.

A temporary bandstand there before was replaced with an ornate wrought-iron structure complete with a landscaped amphitheatre, which was surrounded by 2,000 deckchairs.

In the 1970s it hosted a model village and well-attended wrestling matches.

The bandstand and lawns was later used by Cliftonville Farmers Market and Cliftonville Residents Association with a farmers market started in 2001, This is now based at Walpole Green.

Grass (Gordon Road Area Street Scheme) Cliftonville was allocated £500,000 from the  £22.2m Margate Town Deal in 2021 to refurbish The Oval site but this was officially withdrawn following a row over a non disclosure agreement.

Project leaders Stephen Darrer and Simon Bell have since sourced funding from elsewhere, including the most recent government grant and an award from Sport England announced in May.