Fabulous new mural and children’s art brightens up ‘Little Westgate’

A splash of colour in Westgate (Photo Bethany's sandwich bar and cafe)

A splash of beach-themed colour has been added to part of Westgate thanks to the efforts of Bethany’s sandwich bar and café, young artist Libby Owens, retired businessman Mike Wiseman and Ammit from the Premier shop in Cambourne Avenue.

Clare and Steven Barnes, who own Bethany’s in Lymington Road, put out a call for ideas to brighten up the corner of ‘Little Westgate’ and received a brilliant response.

(Photo Bethany’s sandwich bar and cafe)

Ursuline student Libby, 16, spent 15 hours creating a wonderful seaside mural and Mike installed lots of work by local schoolchildren that had been displayed the West Bay and St Mildred’s Bay shelters until Thanet council removed them for maintenance work in 2022.

Ammit has let his shop be used to display the colourful art and brighten up the parade.

Clare said: “There is more of the children’s artwork going up on more of the boards. They were put up on the shelters at Westgate beach also but they’ve been taken down by the council, but thankfully retrieved by Mike Wiseman.

(Photo Bethany’s sandwich bar and cafe)

“We’ve had quite a lot of children come by to find them, so as many as possible will be displayed soon thanks to Ammit at the Premier for letting us use his boards.

“Libby Owens gave up 15 hours to create her beautiful picture. She’s a talented girl and it really brightens up Little Westgate as we call it.”