Community news: Ramsgate Twinning, foodbank fundraiser, W2W, Inner Wheel, town shed and Bowls Bash

Ramsgate Twinning Association visit to Conflans Ste Honorine

Ramsgate Twinning Association

Written by Terry Fearn, Hon Secretary, Ramsgate Twinning Association

Each year, Ramsgate’s twinned Frenchtown of Conflans Sainte Honorine celebrates the festival known as the Pardon, which is held to honour those involved in the inland waterways transport industry, and to commemorate the members of that community who gave their lives during the world wars of the last century.

The Pardon commences on a Friday afternoon with a rather exciting journey to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, in busses escorted by police outriders, with blue lights and sirens clearing the way through the heavy traffic. Once there, the ceremony of re-kindling the town flame of Conflans from the eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown warrior at the Arc de Triomphe is solemnly held, together with presentations of the military standards followed by the chilling bugle calls of the Last Post.

On the Saturday, people embarked on a boat and travel up-river in a symbolic journey to collect the flame and then return with it to the town past gaily decorated barges and a fireboat pumping great arches of water. The flame beacon is then paraded, firstly to the local chateau, and then on to the cenotaph, followed by a military band and marching sailors, firemen, police units and ex-service personnel with flags and standards flying bravely. Some 20 members of the Ramsgate Royal Navy Association and the Royal Air Force Association, led by Colin Powell of the RNA, marched with several military standards, including a Union Flag carried by a serving RN rating to the various ceremonies.

This year, Ramsgate Town Mayor: Pat Moore, took the lead this year, laying the floral tribute at the cenotaph in Conflans in memory of the fallen of the wars.

The Ramsgate deputation to Conflans was organised by Ramsgate Twinning Association. If you would like to become involved in twinning, which is dedicated to meeting and understanding the people and cultures of our twinned and associated towns in France, Belgium and Germany, you can contact the secretary, Terry Fearn at [email protected] .

Foodbank Fundraiser

“We Shall Overcome” is bringing Indie Rockers David Devant and his Spirit Wife to The Ramsgate Music Hall on 26th July to play a benefit gig in support of Margate Independent Foodbank CIC and MiCommunity Shops across Thanet.

Event organisers say: “As the cost of living crisis continues, people are turning in increasing numbers to food banks simply to feed their families. Many of these people are working multiple jobs but are just unable to make ends meet.

“Child poverty, food banks, benefit sanctions, cuts to disabled support, carers in crisis, soup kitchens, rough sleeping, homelessness, mental health crisis, pawn shops, payday lenders and the gig economy. Why do these things exist in one of the richest economies on the planet?

“We Shall Overcome is a movement of musicians, artists, promotors, activists and community organisers who are angry about the human costs of austerity policies but who want to do something practical to help those affected.

“As the economic climate grows ever colder, many people feel abandoned by the government. The result is communities need to look after each other. Because if we don’t do it, no other bugger else will.”

Tickets are £17.50 at with doors opening at 7:30pm.

David Devant and his Spirit Wife

Though known widely for their 90s call to arms Ginger, there is so much more to be drawn from the otherworldly experience that is a David Devant and his Spirit Wife performance.

Not just glorious glam infused classic pop anthems, Ginger, Radar or the masterpiece debut album Work, Love life, Miscellaneous. A whole treasure trove of musical and visual treats awaits. The recent Cut Out and Keep Me album being up there with the best work of their career. The Ramsgate Music Hall is the perfect setting for this Victoriana influenced brilliance. And it’s all done by kindness.

MiFoodbank and MiCommunity

A spokesperson said: “We are seeing a big increase in the number of people needing support from all over Thanet. But we are not getting any support from Central Government or Local Government so any help with raising funds is very welcome.”

Details here

Wilderness to Wonderland

For the third year running the reigning Margate Mayor supported Wildernesstowonderland’s fun fundraising quiz night and drew the first raffle winner. Thanks to support from the community and Thanet Business Network (raffle sponsors) we raised over £500 to buy more blooms to plant in our community gardens around Margate.

Wildernesstowonderland welcome sponsorship and volunteers who want to join us in our efforts to ‘build caring communities and promote civic pride’.

Email [email protected]

Westgate & Birchington Inner Wheel

This year, our Joint Presidents Lily and Margaret, have chosen to support two charities, the local branch of Parkinson’s UK, and EKIDS (East Kent Independent Dementia Support).

And at the June AGM meeting, Lily and Margaret were delighted to present cheques to their two charities to Dilys Dyer from the local branch of Parkinson’s UK and Janet Briggs from EKIDS who were presented with cheques for £590 each.

New member Chris Yates was inducted and Hazel Hedges and Kath Porteous were inducted as the new Joint Presidents.

If you are interested to know more, please contact Membership Officer Margaret on 01843 840878. We would love to meet you.

Broadstairs Town Shed

Whilst we’re without a roof, Broadstairs Town Shed is taking over Gadds Brewery, on Sunday 14th July, to deliver a celebration of all the amazing community projects available in the area.

The aim of the day is twofold.

It’s an opportunity for the public to discover what’s available on their doorstep but for networking too.  We’re inviting new community groups, in the process of building a presence, along with the more established organisations, to shout loudly about the incredible work they do at the Discover Your Community Day. We hope this is a chance to share knowledge and experience along with exploring potential collaborations to create further positive ripples through the community.

We want this to be a fun interactive event, so it’s not about standing behind a stall for hours.   Groups are delivering activities or demonstrations, for that ultimate community engagement experience, along with information on the support they offer and how the community can get involved.

We’ll also want to use this opportunity to talk with our community and listen to their needs.

Westbrook Bowls Club

Bowls England, our statutory body are running a new promotional event called “Bowls Bash” which is a new casual version of lawn bowls and we and several other bowls clubs have signed up to these events.

Therefore Westbrook Bowls Club would like to invite people from Thanet and surrounding areas to come along and try out this fun new version of Lawn Bowls which Bowls England are calling “Bowls Bash”. The club is going to have various dates during July where non-bowls club members can come along and give this fun new casual version of lawn bowls a try. You will be able to book this up using the following website link

The club will provide you with all the equipment you need, all you need to do is book up and come along. The club will provide club members to assist you and show you what to do.

Should you require further assistance and help you can find contact details at

Bowls England Bowls Bash: