Palm Bay mum organises safari boot fair to raise funds for QEQM Special Care Baby Unit

Abbey and Jakub with boys Mason and Tommy

Palm Bay will host its first safari boot fair next month with funds being raised for QEQM Hospital’s Special Care Baby Unit.

The event, which takes place on September 29 and will involve homes across Palm Bay and Northdown, is being organised by mum-of-two Abbey Golder.

The 27-year-old, who lives in Palm Bay with partner Jakub and boys Mason, three, and one-year-old Tommy, says funds raised through a £5 entry fee will be used to buy goods for the unit, such as prem baby nappies and clothes.

Abbey has a personal reason for wanting to donate to the SCBU as the team looked after Mason when he arrived at 35 weeks and was suffering a bleed around his brain.

Abbey said: “I moved to Palm Bay a year ago (from Ramsgate) and did not know if anything like the boot fair safari had been done here before. I did a bit of research and discovered there hadn’t been one and I just thought it couldn’t be that hard to arrange.

“The proceeds will be for the SCBU at QEQM. They provided support and care for my eldest son when he was born premature at 35 weeks and had a bleed around the brain. We were very fortunate that it was around the brain not inside.. Without that unit I don’t think he would be here today.

“They cared so much, not just medically but just really cared about the children and so I would love to give back to them and raise enough funds so I can call and see what they need, such as clothing and nappies. Many parents when their babies arrive unexpectedly premature do not have those things and it is an added expense but the unit provides them and I’d love to help them do that.”

Mason, who was born a healthy weight at 6lb 8oz, was cared for at SCBU for two weeks.

He is now perfectly fit and healthy. Abbey said: “He is a cheeky three-year-old, always laughing, bubbly and happy. He has been so resilient and strong, he’s just amazing and is about to start a new nursery. He is also incredibly clever and gifted.”

Abbey says knowing the unit was there was also a comfort when she was pregnant with Tommy although he did not arrive early.

Abbey says the safari boot fair organisation is going well thanks to the “lovely community” in Palm Bay.

The event takes place on September 29, 10am to 2pm.

Anyone in the Palm Bay and Northdown areas who wants to take part can text Abbey on 07855008143 with their address and this will be added to the safari map which will be available online or in hard copy on the day.

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