National Coastwatch Station at Ramsgate targeted by vandals six times since May

The National Coastwatch station at the Winterstoke

Volunteers at Ramsgate’s National Coastwatch Station say they are baffled over why they have been targeted with a series of vandalism attacks on their temporary base at Winterstoke Gardens.

The station is run by the National Coastwatch Institute charity and is manned by trained volunteers who keep a daily lookout for people’s safety along the coast.

The team, which, is currently fundraising for a permanent building, have been at the Winterstoke base since May and have had to fork out almost £1500 for repairs following six vandalism attacks.

Local stations are self-funded and run by volunteer watchkeepers, fundraisers and helpers.

The NCI say the vandalism could cost lives as vital equipment used by the charity’s volunteer watchkeepers to help keep people safe along the coast has been destroyed.

Aerial damage

On May 3-4 aerials and cables to the radios were cut. On June 15-16 the lock was wrenched off the stations portable toilet. On August 20 the toilet door padlock was cut off, on August 21-22 the new aerials were unbolted and the cables were stolen. The following day the toilet padlock was filled with superglue and on August 24 the replacement padlock was cut off.

The station says vital VHF radio communications equipment used to alert HM Coastguard when people are in difficulty has been stolen and the property has been repeatedly damaged

The team is now appealing to the community for help.

Station manager Paul Waterman, pictured with Ramsgate mayor Pat Moore. Photo Sharina Kent

Paul Waterman , Station Manager at NCI Ramsgate, said: “We are all volunteers sharing the same mission which is to keep a daily watch for people in danger around our coast and we alert HM Coastguard so the emergency services can be sent to save lives.

“Without our equipment, we cannot do this vital public safety work and so we are appealing to everyone to pass on any information on the vandalism to the police.”

A Kent Police spokesperson confirmed vandalism reports are being investigated, adding: “Kent Police has been made aware of potential metal theft from an organisation near Victoria Parade, Ramsgate, between Thursday 20 and Friday 23 August.

“Officers are carrying out enquiries to establish the full circumstances and anyone with information should call 01843 222289 quoting reference 46/143028/24.”

The aerial base was taken

Police also have reports logged for June and August for the other incidents.

The National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) is a voluntary charity, and Ramsgate is one of 60 stations around the coasts. It relies on the generosity of members of the public and local communities to continue its work.

Damaged cables

Paul said: “There is a clear need for an NCI station at Ramsgate and we’ve had fantastic support from the local community. Thanet council, Ramsgate Harbour Board, Ramsgate RNLI and HM Coastguard were all instrumental in supporting the opening of the station here in Ramsgate, as they see NCI as a vital addition to the water and coastal path safety programme for this area.

“We are now in the expensive process of repairing and replacing the lost and vandalised equipment so that we can continue our work and we’d very much welcome any support.”

If anyone can offer support to the volunteers at NCI Ramsgate, please contact Paul Waterman,  [email protected]