Harvest Health Foods in Ramsgate to close after 46 years in business

Harvest Health Foods in Ramsgate

A Ramsgate health food store that has served the public for 46 years will close next month.

Harvest Health Foods in Queen Street was first opened by Neal and Fleur Price in 1978 and has been a staple of the town ever since offering everything from local honey and wholefood organic drinks to dairy free, organic, gluten and soya free products.

Fleur, 65, has been running the shop since 2017 due to Neal suffering a spinal cord injury but she says footfall has dropped since covid and the cost of living struggle.

The Acol mum-of-two said: “The town has become very quiet and there’s not as many visitors as we used to have. Banks, Wilkos and others have closed and since covid things have just got quieter and quieter.

“We opened from 10am to 2pm during covid as an essential food business but that was the beginning of the end. More people were buying vitamins and supplements online.

“We have regular customers who are gutted that we are going but it was inevitable. It’s a shame but if you are not getting customers through the door, you can’t do it.”

Fleur says the lease is due to finish and the last day of trade at Harvest Health Foods will be September 14.