Varying Directions exhibition coming to York Street Gallery in October

Beach scene by Eric Honzek

Exhibition Varying Directions by Kent artist Eric Honzek will go on show in Ramsgate in October.

The solo exhibition will be held at York Street Gallery from October 9-23 and will reflect the many types of work that Eric has produced.

Eric previously worked in the graphics industry producing works for clients including Max factor, Cadbury’s and the BBC. Alongside this he has been creating paintings and drawings for some 50 years.

He said: “After leaving the Medway College of Design at the age of 19 with a diploma and a City & Guilds qualification in technical graphics I went on to produce various types of artwork for companies here in the UK as well as overseas.

“During this time I was able to supply illustration, advertisements and other forms of camera ready artwork using a variety of different mediums, methods and styles. These included working with technical pens to produce precise and highly detailed technical illustrations and sometimes I used an airbrush for other types of illustrative work including photo retouch.

“I also used watercolour and acrylic paint, graphite and coloured pencils to create a much freer style of work when required.

“Now that I am retired I still continue to produce paintings and drawings as commissions or to sell in art galleries around London and Kent.

“I have, in recent years, started to work with oil paint and have spent many hours painting in this medium whilst enjoying the sunshine on Margate Harbour and in Margate Old Town, developing a style of work that many would describe as impressionistic. Three of the resulting paintings will be on display in the forthcoming solo exhibition.

“This method of painting is totally different to the way I normally work but I have received some very positive and helpful advice regarding the use of oil paint from Michael Richardson who runs monthly plein air workshops throughout the summer from his gallery on Margate Harbour Arm. I have also used oils to experiment in the field of abstract painting and will hopefully have some examples of this to display in the future.

“Another relatively new venture for me has been the production of clay sculpture which I have been doing for over a year at the Beach Creative Art Hub in Herne Bay. I had the opportunity to display some of my sculptures for the first time at the St. George’s Church Annual Art Exhibition at Ramsgate in July this year. I was pleased to be informed that one of the three sculptures I had exhibited there had sold. A larger selection of my sculptures will be included in the ‘Varying Directions’ exhibition.

“Those familiar with my work will know that I specialise in the production of pet portraits and some of these will be on display in October. My previous solo exhibition, entitled ‘Pets & Pencils’ which was also held at the York Street Gallery in August 2022 exclusively featured drawings of cats and dogs, some of which were limited edition prints from portraits I had done as commissions

“However, in my next exhibition there will also be views of the Kent coast, some cartoons as well as some of my more experimental work, creating an eclectic collection that will appeal to all tastes.”

A meet the artist session will be held at the York Street Gallery between1pm and 4pm on Saturday 12th October where Eric will be on hand to answer any questions about his work.

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