Hard winter, miserable summer and lack of trade forces sad decision to close The Modern Boulangerie in Ramsgate

The Modern Boulangerie in Harbour Street (Photo TMB)

Bad weather, a lack of tourists and reduced customers due to struggles with the cost of living have forced the decision to shut The Modern Boulangerie in Ramsgate for good at the end of this month.

The business is headed up by baker and patisserie chef George Bellamy-Adams and mum Karen and has been operating from the former Celandine Hall in Harbour Street since November 2022.

George first began the venture in April 2017 in the premises of the Grumpy Goblin gaming store, originally in the High Street and then in Queen Street.

Specialising in Viennoiserie – which translates as ‘things of Vienna’  and includes croissants, Pain au Chocolat and Pain aux Raisin and also in Beignets, which are French pastries – trade began as business to business with some personal orders also catered for.

The success of that micro-business and demand for George’s kitchen creations from cafés, restaurants and shoppers meant a move to his own shop in Westcliff Road in July 2020 and then the relocation to Harbour Street.

George and Karen in the huge kitchen space in 2022

The building, which had last been used as an indoor market until its closure in 2014, was converted to a patisserie and deli  and café area.

The kitchen below had separate areas for baking, patisserie, café prep and short orders.

But Karen says a hard winter followed by a “non-existent summer” couple with high costs for wages, ingredients and bills without the expected summer uptick in custom and income has made the closure inevitable.

Karen said: “It is very sad. The whole year until this month it has chucked it down meaning our regular people don’t come out and tourists have been non-existent. As a hospitality business we cannot survive without tourists in the Summer as they set us up for the winter with a significant uptick (in trade).

“But it comes to a point where you have to draw a line, we can’t go into the winter again without a cushion.

“We are heartbroken but it has been really intense over the past two years. The building is beautiful but it is vast with 50covers and maybe we should have gone for something smaller as this is really the kind of place for a corporate business.

“I think we a hard winter we will see a number of businesses fail through no fault of their own because it is so expensive for salaries, ingredients, bills and rent with no customers. People are struggling with the cost of living and just can’t afford to come out for breakfast, lunch or even coffee and cake because they are struggling to pay their bills. It is always hospitality that goes first because it is not a need but a treat.

“I think it is really sad and sad for Ramsgate too as it was becoming such a lovely place but I do worry for the town’s future.”


The Modern Boulangerie’s last day of trade will be August 31. Sadly, the closure also means the loss of jobs for 15 staff although many have found, or are seeking, new jobs after being told of the impending closure last month.

Karen said: “We gave our staff plenty of notice and they have all been getting themselves other jobs. Our main consideration was taking care of our staff.”

George said although ‘grim determination’ got the business through last winter, the awful Summer was the last straw.

He added: “It’s been humbling moving from somewhere like West Cliff Road to Harbour Street. “Looking back, you don’t realise how good a thing was until it’s gone. And now it will all be gone. All of it.

“All of us at TMB thank you for all of your support and your custom over the years. It’s been a journey that I’m so very sad to see the end of.”