Signing event in Ramsgate for book charting life as child of an addict to raise funds for NSPCC

The book signing event will raise funds for the NSPCC

The daughter of a ‘high functioning heroin addict’ will share her story at a book signing event in Ramsgate this month.

Penelope Red – which is a pseudonym to protect identities – started writing her story ‘Consequences Beyond Belief’ four years ago when, as a 22-year-old, she went into therapy to help her deal with the traumas in her life.

The 26-year-old said: “My mum is a high-functioning heroin addict. I kept it a secret all my life and really I was my mum’s mum.

“I never told anyone until I was 22 and went into therapy. I started to write the book as part of my therapy.

“I found I had a lot of (memory) gaps, such as when I was asked about my teenage years, but as I started writing it down it started to come back and I could make sense of why I reacted to things the way I do, the justification and realising what I had been through. I was piecing together my past.”

Penelope says she began to think that if she had a book like hers when she was growing up it would have helped her to feel less isolated.

She said: “That was the driver (to publishing the book), realising I could help others.”

The book was published in September 2023 and proceeds have been donated to the NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). The book launch in London raised £5,000 for the children’s charity.

Penelope, who works in the housing sector, is also a campaigner and has been instrumental in changes to Children’s Act policy.

She said: “I’m not just selling books and telling my story, I am campaigning for meaningful change.

“I’m holding the signing event at Book Bodega in Ramsgate, supporting a brilliant business whose values align with my own.

“It isn’t so much about me signing books, it is more a chance for people to come and speak to me, ask questions and to feel less lonely. I’m just trying to raise awareness on the lack of discussion on addiction for those who have the disease and those who support them through it.”

Twenty per cent of all book sale proceeds will be donated to the NSPCC. Penelope said: “The goal of the event is to not only inspire others but also to raise significant funds for a reputable charity that provides crucial support and resources to those affected by family and friend’s addiction.”

Penelope will be at Book Bodega, 7 Harbour Street, Ramsgate, on Saturday July 13 from 3pm.