Next steps to upgrading Jackey Bakers Rec to be discussed by councillors

Jackey Bakers Image Corstorphine & Wright Ltd.

The next steps in redeveloping the unusable pavilion at Jackey Bakers Recreation Ground in Ramsgate will be considered by members of Thanet council’s Overview and Scrutiny Panel, at a meeting tonight (June 18).

The site’s existing pavilion is closed due to being deemed a health and safety hazard and beyond economical repair. The demolition of the building and erection of a temporary portacabin changing facility was approved by Cabinet at a meeting held on 14 December 2023. There is a budget of £370,000 for the completion of the works.

Due to the value of the contract, it will need to be approved by Cabinet on Tuesday 25 June. Prior to that meeting, the Overview and Scrutiny Panel will review the proposal to undertake procurement to award a contract for the works. If a process is approved by Cabinet, the contract will then go out to tender.

The council says it recognises the vital importance of Jackey Bakers to the community, the crucial role the grounds play in the provision of outdoor facilities in the area, the necessity for well-maintained facilities for regular football training at the site and the pressing need for refurbishment.

Updating the pavilion is the latest in a series of works to Jackey Bakers. Improvements have been underway since the council received a public petition with over 1,900 signatures in June 2023.

In it, campaigners asked for Jackey Bakers to overhauled with improvements including extra bins, benches along the main path and outer edges of the football pitches, a changing facility complete with running hot water for showers and toilets, improved pitches for footballers and other sports, a larger play area, skate park and a car park.

Chris and June set up the petition calling for an overhaul of the neglected facilities

June Tyrrell, who launched the petition with fellow resident Chris Collins, also told councillors a sports pavilion with a café on site would be widely welcomed.

In response, new goal posts have been installed at the majority of the pitches, new equipment storage is in place, signs have been installed to discourage dangerous parking and improvements have been made to goal mouths.

Thanet council’s Cabinet also previously approved further investigation of other potential improvements to the site. Options include installing a new car park, rebuilding the pavilion with changing facilities and installing additional sporting and recreational facilities. Members of the public will be invited to give views on the plans once they reach the development stage.

Image Corstorphine & Wright Ltd.

Mike Humber, Director for Environment at Thanet District Council, said: “Jackey Bakers is an important local outdoor space and we need to make sure people can get the best use of it. We’ve listened to the feedback and recognise the level of public demand for renovation at Jackey Bakers.

“Having completed some initial improvement works, we’re now taking the next steps to ensure the area and its facilities are safe and modern.

“The existing pavilion at Jackey Bakers has been fenced off for some time as it is unsafe. Putting in a temporary solution allows us to once again offer changing facilities for the many football teams that use the site for tournaments and training.

“This is part of a schedule of extensive works that we trust will support this community asset for many years to come so it can be fully enjoyed by the wide range of people who use this versatile open space.”

Most council meetings take place in person at the council offices in Cecil Street, Margate. Where possible, meetings are livestreamed so that members of the public can watch remotely.