Reopening of Ramsgate’s weekly market postponed

Market stall

The reopening of Ramsgate’s market will not take place this Friday (April 5).

The date has been postponed for ‘three or four weeks’ according to new operator Bray Associates. It is understood there are administrative details to be completed with Thanet council but Bray is assuring the market will relaunch soon.

The town centre, Friday market shut when covid restrictions were brought in during March 2020. It briefly reopened in June of that year but issues around placement meant the market closed again. A new site proposed for Pier Yard car park on the seafront was scuppered at the 11th hour.

Traders were then given the go-ahead to use Staffordshire Street car park, taking space in several disabled parking bays. But there was a drop in traders taking part on Fridays and none willing to set up for business at the site on Saturdays.

The low number of stalls meant falling income, with then-operator Hughmark making a decision to cease trade in the town.

In June 2022, Cabinet members approved proposals to secure a new operator for the market. It also agreed to remove existing street trading and hawking restrictions on the High Street, King Street and Queen Street.

Last October Bray Associates were selected to relaunch the market.

Bray Associates currently manage markets for 13 local authorities and had planned to launch the new market in Ramsgate on April 5 but this has now been pushed back.

When the market does relaunch it is expected to have between 15 and 30 traders on Ramsgate High Street, King Street and Queen Street.

A Thanet council spokesperson said: “We’d like to see Ramsgate Market up and running again as soon as possible and are working with the operator to sign off on the final details ahead of its return.

“Whilst the operator had published a specific date online, the opening date for the Ramsgate Market has always been scheduled for spring of 2024. We still expect that to be the case and will share the exact opening date when it is confirmed with all parties.”

Traders who are interested in applying to take part in the market should contact the Bray Associates Head Office on 01895 639912 or [email protected]

Ramsgate’s weekly market announced to return next April