Buckets of positive behaviour for St Gregory’s Primary School

Art work and class pledges were some of the tasks in the project

An intriguing question has faced children at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary in Margate – have you filled a bucket today?

It was a task that pupils explored by reading the award-winning story of the same name by Carol McCloud, a heart-warming tale with simple prose and vivid illustrations that encourages positive behaviour.

Through it, children find out how rewarding it is to express appreciation, love and kindness every day.

The idea of bucket filling and dipping are metaphors for understanding the effects their actions and words have on the wellbeing of others and themselves.

Each class completed tasks influenced by the book, including story summaries, class pledges and poems, with every pupil creating a piece of themed artwork.

In-school displays showcase the work from every class and underpin the school rules and core values.

Head of Upper Key Stage 2 Athanasia Papa-Adams explained: “This text was a great way to start the term and continue to develop emotional intelligence and promote positive interaction with others.

“The children had some wonderful and thoughtful contributions about how to be a great ‘bucket filler’.”

Head Teacher Dave Walker added: “The results were original, creative and impressive.

“The whole school really engaged with the initiative that is part of our ongoing personal development structure to encourage children to have the ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong.

“It is important they are guided to readily apply this in their own lives and to understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions.

“Being a responsible member of our school community is very important lesson at St Gregory’s.”