Courageous 10-year-old St Laurence pupil organises Diabetes Awareness Day

Lexi organised events to raise awareness of diabetes

An courageous 10-year-old pupil at St Laurence Junior Academy took the lead in organising a Diabetes Awareness Day in the school to raise awareness about Type 1 diabetes.

Lexi, who herself battles Type 1 diabetes daily, orchestrated a series of events to educate her peers and foster a sense of solidarity within the school community.

On Tuesday 14th November, Lexi captivated her fellow students with a heartfelt assembly where she shared her personal journey living with Type 1 diabetes. With a genuine desire to increase understanding and reduce stigma, Lexi explained the challenges she faces and offered insights into what it’s like to manage the condition on a daily basis. Her courage and openness left a lasting impression on her classmates and teachers alike.

The youngster also arranged for a special guest to visit each class—Rufus the Diabetic Teddy. Rufus, a lovable teddy bear equipped with diabetes management tools, made rounds in every classroom, helping pupils visualise and understand the daily routine of someone living with diabetes.

The entire school also participated in a non-uniform day, with everyone donning shades of blue in solidarity with those affected by diabetes.

The initiative proved to be a success, not only in fostering understanding but also in raising funds for a cause close to Lexi’s heart. The non-uniform day generated £65, which will be donated to Diabetes UK.

Lexi said: “Despite being really nervous to lead the whole school assembly, I wanted to do it in memory of my dad who also had Type 1 Diabetes. With the help of Mrs Winton and my friends, Elsie, Darcie and Macy, I was able to help everyone understand a little bit about exactly what diabetes is. Even if I have only helped one person to gain a better understanding, then it’s been worth it. I wanted to get the message the across, that we are really all the same, illness or not.”

Staff at St Laurence commended Lexi her for her passion, leadership, and commitment to making a positive impact.