Police issue warning over theft from vehicles in Thanet

Kent Police (Image Thanet Police)

Drivers in Thanet are being warned to ensure their vehicles are locked and secure following reports of thefts.

On Thursday 20 July, two vehicles were broken into in Westgate, one in Westbury Road and another in Westgate Bay Avenue. Nothing was stolen in either incident.

On the same day, a man was seen attempting to get into vehicles in Fort Hill and Fort Crescent, Margate, with one vehicle entered.

A 30-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of vehicle interference and remains in custody while enquiries continue.

Officers from Thanet’s Community Safety Unit are advising motorists to take measures to prevent their belongings being stolen:

  • Make sure vehicles are locked, especially if you own a car where wing mirrors show whether it is locked.
  • Ideally don’t leave any valuables in vehicles when away from it, but make sure anything left inside is out of sight.
  • Completely close all windows and your sun roof, even when it’s hot, to stop thieves ‘fishing’ through windows.
  • Park somewhere busy, visible to other members of the public, ideally covered by CCTV, and well-lit if leaving cars overnight.

For more details, visit: https://www.kent.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/keeping-vehicles-safe/vehicle-safe-and-sound/