Police search for driver following crash in Westwood Road

Emergency services were called to the incident Photo Jamie Horton

Kent Police are searching for the driver of a vehicle which was crashed near Asda Westwood last night (July 10).

Police and Kent Fire and Rescue Services attended the scene in Westwood Road just after 9pm.

One car was involved in the incident but the driver had left the scene before emergency services arrived.

A Kent Police spokesperson said: “Kent Police officers attended Westwood Road, near St Peters, Broadstairs following a one-vehicle collision at 9.05pm on Monday 10 July.

“The vehicle’s occupants were not at the scene and enquiries to locate the driver are ongoing.”


  1. If the police are looking for the driver was it the owner? More than likely driver was either drunk or high on drugs my money would be they were drunk, maters not as why leave the scene of a road traffic crash RTC if you are road legal, insurance, licence, mot/tax, another normal thanet day.

      • Phyllis I think you should actually look at life without blinkers on as it happens throughout this country of ours try watching the traffic cops or police interseptors it doesn’t happen much here but we are far from being the only policing area if an accident happened 30 seconds before the police got there the driver ran off he/she could be 3 streets away possibly more most likely will need cctv to catch the driver unless it was the owner.

    • It does to anyone who reads the intention of what is being written rather than choosing to be pedantic.

      • LC you read it correctly and thank you for your back up. VC will think someone has the hump with me saying back up. Nice one!

    • There are several people whose comments on IOTN news articles really do make Thanet seem a lot worse than it actually is. Phyllis Quot, however, is not one of them.

  2. Vanilla coffee being drunk is more likely a downer everything is at a slower pace slurred speach etc, drugged high is being hyped up on top of the world I can fly sort of thing very twitchy on edge also most drunks once twice legal limit will be unable to understand a simple question like what’s your name exactly the opposite of what most drugs do. That is my reason for separating the two and I believe you will find that is how it’s seen on the street.

    • Sorry VC forgot I said either drunk or high on drugs not being drunk is being high on drugs they are completely different meanings as I have pointed out.

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