Councillors to discuss plan for nine homes on Birchington agricultural land

Amended layout plan for the nine homes Image JOHN BISHOP AND ASSOCIATES

Plans to build nine homes on agricultural land in Canterbury Road, Birchington, will be discussed by Thanet councillors at a meeting next week.

The proposal has been submitted by the Church of England Diocese of Canterbury which wants to build the homes on the 0.87 acre block of chalk farmland which abuts agricultural land earmarked for housing as part of a 1,600 home development

The site between 310 And 318 Canterbury Road has historically been rented out to form part of the very large arable farm.

Issues over a public right of way which runs through the development site have resulted in amended layout plans which display the right of way.

The Diocese says: “The site is flat, featureless, and treeless. It has been farmed on a monoculture basis for as long as records exist.

“The site lends itself to the development of 9 detached houses of modest size. This configuration would the meet the full range of planning requirements including delivery of satisfactory outdoor spaces and the safeguarding of visual privacy for both existing neighbouring residents and future occupiers. Vehicular and pedestrian access would be directly from the A28 Canterbury Road.”

The application document states: “Economic – the construction work would provide a temporary boost to the local economy. The new dwellings would bring new family household incomes to the locality.

“Social – the nine dwellings would be a very worthwhile contribution towards meeting the pressing need for more family houses. The occupiers of the new family homes would become part of the local community and help to sustain community services and facilities.

“Environmental – the site will no longer be a viable agricultural unit once the surrounding land has been developed as planned by the Local Planning Authority. The transformation from monoculture arable to garden land will provide an opportunity to significantly improve biodiversity, through planting, landscaping, and measures such as nest and bat boxes.”

The site proposed for nine homes Image JOHN BISHOP AND ASSOCIATES

The Diocese suggests the 9 home proposal will slot alongside the plan to build 1,600 homes, a primary school, shops and a community park on farmland at Birchington.

More than 20 objections to the plans have been lodged with Thanet council raising concerns such as increased traffic, impact on GP and dentists services, schools nd water and sewerage.

Comments suggest brownfield land should be used instead and that the agricultural site contains bird and bat nesting habitat. It is also pointed out that the site is not allocated for housing in Thanet’s Local Plan – a blueprint for future development in the district.

Birchington Parish Council has raised several concerns including the proposed new access on to the A28 which it says is “unacceptable as it would create additional congestion and potential accidents.”

Kent County Council says although the public right of way is now shown details are still needed for  how it will be protected.

Southern Water says: “Our initial investigations indicate there are no public surface water sewers in the area to serve this development. Alternative means of draining surface water from this development are required.”

In a document to councillors the council case officer says: “The proposal will result in the loss of best and most versatile land, however, the harm is considered to be limited given the restricted size and shape of the site, which is considered to be outweighed by the economic and social benefits of the development. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with Policy E16 of the Thanet Local Plan.

“The proposal is considered to provide a sustainable form of development within the urban confines that will provide family dwellings of a potential scale and density that would be in keeping with the character of the area, with no significant harm identified.

“It is therefore recommended that Members approve the application subject to safeguarding conditions and the submitted signed legal agreement securing the SPA contribution.”

The application will be discussed by councillors on July 19.