Fundraiser to keep doors open at Arts in Ramsgate community hub

Community space provided in Arts in Ramsgate

Volunteers are hoping to raise vital funds for a creative classes and community well-being centre in Ramsgate to ensure the doors can stay open.

Arts in Ramsgate offers a variety of classes and sessions that use art to help reduce isolation and nurture activities.

But the hub, in Ramsgate’s High Street, has been hit by escalating running costs and  facilitator Jemma Cullen’s recent poor health has meant they are currently experiencing a shortfall in income.

In a bid to ensure they can pay bills for the next three months volunteers have set up a fundraising page and are also holding events, including an arts and craft fair this weekend.

Established in 2016, Arts in Ramsgate is a not-for-profit arts community centre and gallery where inclusive no / low cost art, craft, music, and well-being sessions are run.

Arts in Ramsgate offers particular support for people with disabilities, people who suffer with poor mental health and those experiencing isolation.

Rosie’s Craft Club, run by Anne ( at the front waving) and Christine (at the back leaning to talk to one of the ladies.)

Volunteer Christine McColm has been running Rosie’s Craft Club at Air since last year.

She said: “I run the craft session which takes place every Thursday afternoon for a group of 10-20 ladies. It’s a highlight of our week and if AiR were to close we’d be devastated so I have set up the fundraiser on behalf of the organisation to help them survive this blip and stay open.

“AiR is seeing an increase in need of people coming through the door as our community is hit hardest by the cost of living and the health and social care and housing crises.

“The AiR community includes people from all kinds of backgrounds and particularly supports people with complex lives; those who suffer poor mental heath, those with chronic illness, those navigating neurodivergence, those with disabilities, those who are isolated and those who’ve been through the care and fostering system.”

The aim is to raise £5000.

AiR has submitted funding bids and is looking to rent out gallery and workshop space.

AiR helps run community parades with Great British Carnival as well as hosting hundreds of workshops in painting, drawing, ceramics, craft, jewellery making, poetry, music and dance.

There is as a social drop-in day every week where people can get help, advice and signposting and during the winter as energy costs spiralled AiR opened three days a week to become a ‘warm space’ for people who couldn’t afford heating at home.

The fundraising craft fair takes place at Air, 46 High Street, Ramsgate, this Saturday from 10am to 3pm.

Find the fundraising page here

A hive of activity and crafting at Arts in Ramsgate

Arts in Ramsgate: Mixing creativity and community to combat isolation and nurture skills


  1. Isn’t this something Ramsgate Town Council should be supporting? I understand they have reserves to burn!

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