Last chance to apply for energy voucher from Kent’s Household Support Fund

Energy bills

There is a limited amount of time left to ask for referral to Kent’s Household Support Fund which is giving fuel vouchers to residents in need.

Anyone on an income of less than £16,200 and/or receiving benefits may be eligible for the £150 voucher.

The scheme is funded by the government and is aimed at helping household struggling with the cost of living rises.

Applicants must be over 16, permanently living in a Kent local authority, meet the income criteria and not been awarded from the round of funding previously.

The energy vouchers are for pre-paid gas and electricity meters and direct debit customers. ‘Off grid’ customers can also be considered.

Vouchers will be sent by email or text or through the post for those who do not have internet access.

When making an application you will need your National Insurance number, name of energy provider, select method of how you pay for your energy and benefits received.

For referral email [email protected] by tomorrow (September 30).

NOTE: Please be patient as a small SEK team is dealing with a large volume of emails asking for referral


  1. There are many who are working for low wages, and not claiming benefits,who are as much in need of these vouchers as those on benefits.

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