Photos: (Not) The Margate Meltdown 2022

Bikers on (not) the Margate Meltdown Photo Frank Leppard

The Margate Meltdown was on, and then off, unofficially on -and then ordered to be off – but in the end bikers came in their droves today (June 2) for the annual run to Margate.

Photo Louis McClaren

Motorbikes of all shapes and sizes parked along the Stone Pier and seafront and people enjoyed the glorious sun and the first day of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Thanet council had issued a statement “encouraging regulars of the event not to coordinate an unofficial gathering.”

Photo Roberto Fabiani

The authority added: “Doing so could have a significant impact on residents, road users and visitors in the area especially without the level of support in place to ensure it operates safely.

“We anticipate that those who usually attend and do so in a respectful and safe manner will understand the potential risks. We would only expect to have to take enforcement action as a last resort, if public safety were being compromised.”

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The statement did not put off bikers who were determined to enjoy the trip to Margate.