Invite to join the Broadstairs Folk Week volunteers

Fun with the Folk Week volunteers

Broadstairs Folk Week is back this Summer – and the Grand Parade is returning.

The parade will take place on Saturday 6 August from 5.30pm down the High Street in a colourful, noisy, jolly display of festival fun. There will also be the popular craft and music fair in Victoria Gardens on the from August 6-12,10am -9pm daily.

The fair will have a selection of local and visiting crafters as well as The Festival Jack Hamilton bar, run by Folk Week volunteers and sponsored by Shepherd Neame.

These will be staged alongside the numerous goigs, concerts and family events.

The  wheels of Folk Week, which is a registered charity, are kept turning by the brilliant volunteers.

More than 200 people give up their time to help create the event and organisers would love to hear from more people who would like to get involved..

You can be anything from 18 to 75 – and the mix of the generations is one of the great strengths of the festival. If you have any special skills, such as technical, stage management, salesperson or just all-round practical genius – the more organisers know the better they can place you somewhere useful.

Organiser Jo Tuffs said: “Volunteers fulfil a huge range of tasks – minibus drivers, fundraising with the collecting tins, stewarding at events, selling tickets in the Box Office, lottery tickets or merchandise at the craft fair, serving drinks at the Jack Hamilton Festival Bar, welcoming people to the Folk Week campsite, setting up PA for bands – there’s a very long list!”

Broadstairs Folk Week

In return for 35 hours a week volunteers can explore all the events with a festival week ticket and there is free camping.

Many firm, lifelong friendships have been forged between volunteers during Broadstairs Folk Week ansd some volunteers have been coming back every year for decades!

How do I join?

Visit the Folk Week website – and check into the online portal where you can fill in the form. Or email [email protected] or call on 01843 604080 to be sent a form.


  1. Will Ian Driver be volunteering, so he can check to ensure that none of the Morris sides is blacked up?

  2. When are they going to BAN FOLK WEEK ! It’s a menace to the environment with noise pollution, litter , more peolpe means more polluted vehicles in the area .. it’s 2022 not 1822 !! … it’s only the environment, eco systems and climate that suffer ..

    • Hear, Hear Frank! Its one of the reasons I moved from Broadstairs to Ramsgate, because of all these idiots and their Country music(sic) I hate country music! I was sexually assaulted on two different occasions during Folk week many years ago, as a mature man! Once by a young woman who flashed her breasts at me, and on another occasion when a woman pinched my bum! I felt so dirty, and reported it to the police but they didn’t want to know!

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