Town Council calling for urgent meeting over ‘prevalent crime’ in Ramsgate

Ramsgate town Photo Brian Whitehead

Ramsgate Town Council is asking for an urgent meeting with police and district council chiefs to discuss the level of crime in the town.

Town councillors say they have a long-standing concern over the level of crime that has been heightened by two particularly serious assaults last month.

Councillors say that despite the best efforts of the individual police officers within Thanet they can see little improvement month-on-month that would lift Ramsgate from being the fifth most dangerous medium-sized town in the UK and the second most dangerous in Kent, an accolade they say is totally unacceptable.

Chair of Ramsgate Town Council, Cllr Steve Albon, said: “There are so many people trying their hardest to make Ramsgate an enjoyable, safe and prosperous place to live, and I feel so disappointed for local residents that crime is such a prevalent part of the town’s identify at the moment.

“Local residents inform me that they don’t feel safe, and this is a totally unacceptable situation”

Ramsgate Town Council has requested an urgent multi-agenda meeting with the Police & Crime Commissioner, the MP, the Chief Constable, the Chief Inspector and the Leader and Chief Executive at Thanet District Council to  discuss the concerns, specifically what is currently being done and what can be done to tackle the problem.

The Town Clerk is now awaiting responses and residents will be kept informed as the plan progresses. It is not yet confirmed if residents will be able to contribute during the meeting, if this is not the case, input from residents will be sought in advance of the meeting.

The overall crime rate in Ramsgate in 2021 was 146 crimes per 1,000 people. This compares poorly to Kent’s overall crime rate, coming in 40% higher than the Kent rate of 87 per 1,000 residents.

The crimerate website says the most common crimes in Ramsgate are violence and sexual offences, with 3,273 offences during 2021, giving a crime rate of 78. This is 11% higher than 2020’s figure of 2,920 offences and a difference of 8.42 from 2020’s crime rate of 70.

Ramsgate’s least common crime is theft from the person, with 29 offences recorded in 2021, a decrease of 24% from 2020’s figure of 36 crimes.


    • I have never, ever, said that crime in Ramsgate doesn’t exist. To do so would be to fly in the face of the articles that appear in the IoTN.
      What I have said is that I’m not afraid to go out into town, to shop, have a drink or enjoy a meal.
      What I have challenged are the comments made by some on here to the effect that Ramsgate is some sort of lawless badlands.
      But if it amuses you to misquote me, then feel free.

      • 2nd most dangerous medium sized Kent town sounds pretty lawless to me, particularly considering some of the competition.

        Will you go along to the meeting? If so, we may meet at last!

      • I think the main problem in ramsgate is the drinking culture. Especially how younger generations have for a long time seen it as the place to arrive at 12am and tiny bars are being passed off as nightclubs. So it’s kind of like all thanets problems verge down there late on in a verg compact space.

        Another problem the town has is king Street. Over the years there has been a few rough pubs where large numbers have gathered outside on the roadsides to smoke and hang out often causing problems. As well as the fact the the roads branching off it are surrounded by social housing or really bad standard cheap rental properties. Alot of attacks happening are in that area.

        Perhaps a similar scheme to cliftonville might help where landlords have to clean up their act round there

        • Why is it the landlords that are attacking people? Get the social landlords to pay up as well , ifselective licensing was to be introduced, if you could. It’s the people not the homes they live in. As a rule low quality people get low quality housing.

    • As long as you avoid the seafront after midnight at the weekend and don’t spend too much time in the early evening in the town centre High Street you can avoid many of the problems this article refers to.

      I have lived in Ramsgate, Broadstairs and Margate over the years and with all three towns it’s pretty easy to avoid any crime hot-spots. The smell of weed is always an issue but that’s the same across many parts of Thanet. The worst area for it, in my experience, is the seafront shelters between Westgate and Birchington.

      • Thanetian – you have effectively confirmed that Ramsgate has a number of ‘no go areas’.

        You seem to be prepared to accept that situation and merely suggest those areas are best avoided.

        Thus you are handing the protagonists a mandate to continue their lawless antisocial behaviour.

        How sad.

      • That’s not true as a woman was beaten and left unconcious just yards from her home on Plains of Waterloo.

        • In the early hours of the morning if I recall Deborah! It would be interesting to know who committed the crimes, and where they lived! My guess is they are probably not from Ramsgate, or even Thanet! Just saying!

      • I think you will find the violence is caused by people drinking to much and maybe sniffing .I don’t see many stoners fighting. Unlike drunks who seem to think they can fight anyone for any reason .But what do I know I only live here

  1. well said peter – you beat me to it , i was just going to ask if marva would be attending this meeting ?

    • I do wonder if some of the commentators on here even live in the area (someone on the “Ramsgate’s Granville Theatre is now up for sale” thread claimed that there are currently no cinemas in Thanet!).

    • No. I shan’t be going to this meeting even if residents who are not RTC members are allowed. I do not feel unsafe in Ramsgate, and I think there are people who do who will attend if they can.

  2. The are NO “ best efforts” from the police those who manage the police service in Ramsgate should be dismissed from their Khushi inflation busting pensions jobs they are a disgrace. They soon turn up if there is a photo-shoot to try and kid us how “ good they are” the specials Constables stopped 100 vehicles at Westwood recently giving out 53 tickets for offences. Easy job to stop vehicles they want to put more police in Ramsgate and not just the town centre and stop the crime. The council should ban late night drinking in the pubs and clubs. We have also a lot of low life moving into the area having been moved to “The nice seaside” by councils from other areas. What good is the KENT CRIME COMMISSIONER? Answer NO GOOD AT ALL.

  3. Another instance of where there used to be a Police Station (I think in York Street) but that went in the cuts. They always have a strong deterrent effect and dodgy characters avoid them like the plague. Does Ramsgate have an NEM where these matters can be raised?

  4. Being arrested is not a deterrent. Being arrested but getting a good beating in the process and jail is. Once all the losers know they will be getting a hiding, not just a cup of tea and suspended sentence, they will be less likely to put themselves at risk.

    At the moment regular innocent people have all the risk. Criminals have minimal risk, that needs to be switched around.

    • I know, thats why they should be given the powers to be able to!

      Look on youtube “Frankfurt fans riot police” for their recent game against West Ham. They invaded the pitch and went towards the away supporters to taunt them. Soon as they saw the police jump over the barrier with batons ready they legged it, they knew what was coming.

      Which means those police rarely have to give a beating, its a preventative measure. Obviously riot police and football fans is different situation to Ramsgate but you get what I mean.

      • Jail time instead of suspended sentences at least then. Maybe if they made the prisons more basic they would be cheaper to run which might solve the problem of cost saving.

        Cue human rights lawyers.

  5. Hear hear SeeSee, the Tories used to say they are the “party” of law and order more like the party of poor policing and disorder. We have a useless Home Secretary and equally useless lawbreaking Prime Minister.

  6. More right wing project fear. Fear everyone everywhere. No where is safe.

    If that’s true it’s down to voting Tory who failed to fund the police, who fail to go after actual criminals and who themselves are law breakers and law benders.

    Strange Craig doesn’t ever mention local issues like this. He is always worried about his investment in southern water and the airport.

      • It’s all very modern in margate, if you do stab someone because of an “ism” you’re basically hung drawn and quartered on the spot , but not for the stabbing. Stab someone with no involvement of an “ism” then you’re obviously some poor hard done by minority of some sort and so obviously the offence is forgiven and you get a group hug to cleanse your aura, or some such.
        In the meantime the best way of avoiding any trouble is not to “ look like a victim” and avoid shifty looking characters,, that applies across thanet. Not quite sure when it all went so pear shaped.

  7. Soon to be again. “The new services will be a real benefit to Kent and its residents. Passengers will be able to arrive at Manston, park adjacent to the terminal building, check in and be on the flight to Amsterdam within minutes, a hassle-free experience that makes traveling a pleasure.”

  8. It’s about time that these street thugs were given appropriate punishment, Stop the ridiculously lenient sentences,

  9. Tbh i find thanet is just the same as many other seaside areas where the governing council’s over the years have allowed some areas to become slum’s and not cracking down on very low level crime/nuisance/abuse/public house’s/ just to mention a few.

    Been to many seaside towns and moved to thanet !

    Why dont all the thanet councillors & rtc wokers apply to be volunteer pcso’s They can do the training and once given the ok to patrol then they can make change happen they know where the problem areas are.
    They would do it as unpaid (except expenses), being old and having seen much of the Uk i can say were not the worst down here in rowdy ramsgate !

    Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

  10. We need a strong military presence on the streets of ramsgate Army in tanks and armoured cars and at least 2 water cannons on standby .. get troops on the ground setting up checkpoints .. search everyone .. make it not easy for the drugged up law breakers who ruin life for every one.. ramsgate is not safe day or night .. BRING IN THE ARMY NOW OR ITS OVER FOREVER!!! SOS HELP US !!!

  11. Oh lordy.. Crime is grime police are what going out is a crime grime.. Really
    This article stinks like most of these comments I live here I work here I am not in fear but these comments are fearful. Don’t like the area move out find clean crime grime sadly it’s all the same everywhere. It’s like chosing your neighbour.. Just be nice and kind.
    2 years of lockdown please
    Solution.. Teach manners respect and a no drugs zone tolerance
    No alcohol
    Teach kids no that’s bad parenting
    Have a friendly footie match with kids against the police
    Build up community where do kids go.. Nowhere because there is nothing to do.
    What happened to that funding of someone to help prevent crime in Ramsgate.

    People make communities kids too parents teach kids to help communities
    Kick crime grime out of Thanet campaign

  12. Why i never go go down to the town center in the evenings-Even during the day a few years back i was with my dad and he had to go in the Hallifax,this was about 930 AM there were few people sitting on a bench drinking cans of larger even at that time.

  13. So the blame lies with the Police and the Government does it!

    It doesn’t lay with bad parenting or the louts causing the chaos then?

    They know right from wrong but choose to be sheep to look like the big “I ams”.
    Anyone caught carrying a weapon should be done for attempted murder full stop.
    Anyone caught with drugs should be put on a drug programme, a high percentage are probably only taking it cause their mates are.

    The Police cant be everywhere even if there was more it wouldn’t be enough.

    But parents could police their own kids.. check their rooms/pockets/friends maybe talk to them about who they hang around with.

    Unfortunately most of them are not bothered where their kid is because they are living their life!!

    Growing up in Ramsgate me and my friends would find plenty to keep us occupied without resorting to crime and drugs.
    The same parks these kids hang out and fo their weed we would be kicking a ball around or riding bikes.

    Our choice was to have fun

    Their choice is to disrupt other people’s fun.

    Oh and we had respect/manners first and foremost because we knew the consequences if we stepped out of line!.

  14. I agree oh no. I don’t care what anybody says, these people know right from wrong whatever their upbringing is. I know what I would do with those that are caught in the early hours.

  15. You dont see any police in ramsgate, am a resident not seen any on the beat in years. Its like ignore where the drinkers hang out

  16. Having read the majority of replies it is abundantly clear that certain commentators have never experienced the violence that is prevalent in Ramsgate town center. I have on two separate occasions. I’m not an old person or someone who can’t look after themselves. I have a background in door security and protection work and I am aware that the roving gangs of young drunk men are the problem but not the only one. The teens that congregate near costcutter and KFC are allowed to behave just as they like. I’m unsure of the solution but I’m pretty certain that the special constables who seem to fear these kids are not it. I write this because this is a problem for all especially those who live in the center of town and have to deal with it. To deny the problem a la Marva etc is to allow the continuation and potential escalation. Knives are commonplace among the youngsters. Do we ignore this until stabbings and God forbid deaths increase.

  17. I am a resident of Ramsgate who goes to the town centre most days. I don’t recall seeing any violent behaviour there.

    • Does that mean the people that have been injured / assaulted made it up and chose to inflict injuries on them selves and that the town council are calling for action for no reason?

  18. Maybe set up airport type security where people are searched before the go into ramsgate ? I have been there during the day lots of street drinking and feral youth making the place look untidy.. perhaps ban people under 25 years old from entering after 6pm ? And only passport holders allowed.. maybe need to bring in ID cards so they can check people .. need more cctv more boots on the ground .. more making it hard to enter ramsgate for the ‘unwelcome ‘ .. if we don’t do something they will bring in the Army and a night time curfew… think on you lot who cause trouble .. your days are numbered !!

  19. Yesterday evening I went into town.
    I saw several family groups, with little children. I saw individuals, both men and women, young and old. I saw couples, arm in arm, walking their dogs. I saw the band setting up in the Red Lion. I saw groups heading for Il Tricolore and the Ramsgate Tandoori for a meal.
    I didn’t experience, see or hear any violence or antisocial behaviour.
    That’s not to say that the town isn’t a different sort of place at 3 a.m when the pubs and clubs are turning out.
    But then, most decent folk have been tucked up in bed for hours by this time.
    The problems with late night antisocial behaviour are not limited to Ramsgate, nor Thanet, nor Kent. Show me any town in the land with late night bars, and I’ll show you antisocial behaviour.
    The point being, that for most people, young, old, families, men or women, Ramsgate is, at “normal” times, perfectly ok. The troubles sometimes experienced can be found in any town centre in the early hours of the morning.

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