Plan for 115 home development in Minster submitted to Thanet council

Development plan, site in red and neighbouring sites earmarked for development (Images Gladman Developments)

An application to build up to 115 homes on arable land by Laundry Road in Minster has been submitted by Gladman Developments.

The outline application for the 115 properties includes 30% affordable housing, structural planting and landscaping, formal and informal public open space and children’s play area, sustainable urban drainage, with main vehicular access point from Foxborough Lane, according to planning documents.

The site covers an area of approximately 5 hectares and is on an arable field on the eastern edge of Minster.

When the proposals were first revealed last year a Minster action group was set up by residents opposed to the scheme.

Organiser Caroline Fleming, who is a business development manager,  says roads, schools and GPs are under enough pressure, particularly as other development has already been approved.

Planning documents for Gladman Developments state: “The site contains few landscape features of value and is largely visually contained, with most views of the site available from its immediate surroundings. Where possible, existing trees are to be retained and protected as part of the proposed development.

“While there will be some loss of hedgerow along the southern boundary to facilitate the proposed access junction into the site, new hedgerow planting is proposed along this boundary to compensate for that lost.

“A new woodland belt is also proposed along the eastern site boundary, providing a sensitive edge to the new housing area, and an appropriate transition to the countryside beyond.

“The development provides a total of 3.26 hectares of developable area for the delivery of up to 115 new homes based on an average density of 35 dwellings per hectare. The development will provide a variety of dwellings and house types, offering a mix of market and affordable homes suitable for a range of people from those seeking to buy or rent their first home to those looking for larger family homes. The proposed development allows for efficient use of land whilst also promoting a density which is appropriate to its context.”

The planning application says the site will include:

The provision of 1.65 hectares of land is dedicated to new green spaces. These green areas comprise:

The retention of key landscape features including hedgerows and trees

Informal public open space

Children’s play area

New structural landscaping, including tree, thicket, and woodland planting

A sustainable drainage attenuation basin

A 1.25ha offsite area of land will be reserved for the creation of a biodiversity enhancement area

Pedestrian and cycle routes and a new footway are planned.

Two Minster sites are allocated for development in the Thanet Local Plan: one to the south of the site beyond Foxborough Lane for up to 35 dwellings and one to northwest of the site beyond Tothill Street which had an  outline planning application for up to 214 dwellings permitted in September 2021.

Minster Parish Council is due to hold a meeting at the Village Hall, 630pm, on April 13 to discuss the Laundry Road development.

District councillor for Thanet villages, Reece Pugh, has submitted a request for the application to be called in to committee – meaning it will have to be discussed by councillors rather than an officer decision.

Keep up to date via Minster’s Future Matters here

The Gladman proposal can be seen on Thanet council’s planning portal, REF OL/TH/22/0414