Proposals to build 16 homes in Manston have been submitted to Thanet council.
The site, in Manston Road, is currently occupied by Grenham Lodge and garden and paddocks and stables.
The development aims to create 12 three-bed and 4 four-bed homes with two parking spaces per home and cycle spaces.
Application documents say there would be improvements to the existing access point at Grenham Lodge and a new footway would be included along the southern side of Manston Road together with a new zebra crossing.
The developer acknowledges that housing has not been proposed for Manston in the isle’s Local Plan but points to the approval last September for a mixed use residential and business development of 28 homes, offices, shop and café on land between Manston Road and Preston Road.
However, pre-application advice from Thanet council says proposals for new housing development on unallocated sites (not within the Thanet Local Plan) will no longer be subject to a presumption that they should be supported.
The authority adds that the 28 home development was approved due to a lack of 5-year housing land supply at the time of determination.
The TDC advice add: “The scheme as submitted would be unacceptable in terms of its impact upon the countryside and landscape character given its visibility within the landscape. The number of dwellings would need to be significantly reduced and those dwellings would need to be set in significant plots to justify no/limited impact on the countryside/landscape character area..”
There is a requirement for 30% affordable housing to be provided on site – which would be equal to five of the houses. The developer says this would not be viable on site.
Application documents state: “New residential development and meeting housing needs in full will contribute towards economic growth through providing appropriate “critical mass” in towns and villages and increasing footfall and commercial expenditure at local retail centres.
“New development can have further economic benefits in the context of:
“Construction phase can generate and sustain direct employment opportunities – particularly with smaller sites where construction work may be more directly sourced from local labour and materials;
“Potential for provision of financial contributions towards local services and council Ttx and New Homes Bonus
“The development proposes the delivery of 16 new homes to be a mix of market homes of a 3 and 4 bed size. These dwellings would be of a size which would make them affordable to existing local residents.”
A decision is yet to be made. The proposal can be seen on Thanet council’s planning site ref F/TH/21/1853
more unaffordable homes for Thanet residents.Are you reading this Phyllis garden and paddock to disappear under concrete?
affordable to local residents? we’ll see usual rubbish worst is TDC fall for it
Hi lesley
Just like to know how much you think an affordable house should cost?
Lee if I was to say £150000-£200000 locals still wouldn’t get a look in because of ruddy outsiders snapping every thing up, advertising Thanet homes out side of Thanet should be stopped to give possible buyers in Thanet a chance
FYI a one bed flat at Westwood point £208,000 a two bed at the same location £210,000 but be warned there is nothing to look at except roof tops and more houses and flats in every direction fine if you like that sort of thing.
There are plenty of people living in Thanet who although they are not “ruddy outsiders” could afford those prices.
Double standards at TDC Planning. They don’t care about the loss of greenfield land and habitat for the bulk of Thanet when it suits them for the bigger developers but a small development there and they bring out all those regulations including the 30% affordable housing which the TDC Planning manager Iain Livingstone is eager to pass up on for the huge Shottendane Road area development. When is TDC going to be brought to book on all it’s corrupt ways?
K R Iain Livingstone is an a..e he does not give two hoots about Thanet residents he totally ignores any opposition from the public he needs replacing by someone who cares about Thanet.
It’s got to stop ✋ it’s about time builders start to refurbish empty office space and empty shop space too,there’s a lot of it.
If land have to be built on then built up not out .time to save our land for the future.
no, pull down the old offices and empty shop space if they have no architectural merit. No more Terminus house style permitted development slums, with poorly converted, chipboard construction cells for poor families to be housed in squalor.
“Sort it out?”
I think they have.
Did you actually read the piece?
“The TDC advice add: ‘The scheme as submitted would be unacceptable in terms of its impact upon the countryside and landscape character given its visibility within the landscape. The number of dwellings would need to be significantly reduced and those dwellings would need to be set in significant plots to justify no/limited impact on the countryside/landscape character area..’ “
If the government were serious about “levelling up” they’d be building far more up north instead of within 2 hours of London.
2 hours from London is up north, its just that our rail connections are so slow that the backward thinking that passes for policy round here, believes that a fast train is one that can reach 75mph.
Hear hear Peter it so frustrating!
More houses being built that the young Families in Thanet will not be able to afford. We need Social Housing and affordable housing.Not Luxury houses for people from other parts of the country that can.
Enough is enough
Has it ever occurred to the “no good for low income locals” crowd , that an influx of wealthier people may be good for thanet? They’ll have disposable income for local services that some of thanets lower income residents could provide. There’s more than one way to improve people’s lives. Providing cheap life tenancies in subsidised housing may not always be the best way of incentivising people to go out and work hard. just a thought.
Fantastic planning, a road junction right on a bend in the existing road, which happens to be a tight bend with very little view in both directions. Why do these architects not seek transport advice before submitting plans.
Same problem with the new houses being built on the opposite side of the road site – on a bend!
It is quite easy EeastCliff they have absolute no b….y idea about Thanet that site is in a dangerous location but hey why should out siders care they will not be the ones dealing with any problems that will arise no doubt of that
It hasn’t been given permission yet and if we all let our feelings known to the relevant planning application it might not be built!
You are right EastCliff, build build build don’t worry about roads,water ,schools doctors and the big one sewage more to go into the sea,look at the homes at Westwood l remember TDC saying a new road would be built to replace the old Nash Road ,what did we get a new bit in the middle of Nash Road
Leaving the rest as it is .
I imagine, as development continues along Nash Road, another widening of Nash Road will occur.
After the cowardly and deliberate dismemberment of Jackie Bakers a few years ago to appease future planning commitments there is no way the TDC, and various money obsessed developers should be trusted to look after the best interests of the people of Thanet.
I believe, many people in this area are bewildered, frustrated and angry at the scale of development and feel powerless to affect change.
The two Tory MP’s for this area are virtually useless other than occasionally bleating their concern.
Certainly, at the next local and national elections only vote for candidates who will attempt to moderate and control the manic and disturbing house building plans for Thanet.
This proposed development if granted permission will join up with the 450 homes proposed by Gladman so when the houses are built at Dent de Lion and Westgate there will be nothing but houses from coffin corner right the way through to Birchington how delightful, not, more wild life being disturbed more trees lost despite what they say one thing I have learnt with all this development is that the developers do not deliver on what they promised in their applications Liars the lot of them.
If people hadn’t voted Tory nationally and UKIP locally, then we wouldn’t be in this situation.
I have absolutely no sympathy for the burghers of Birchington, who, through their pressure group “Birchington against the Local Plan” (now morphed into “Birchington against Everything “) scuppered a Local Plan that would have limited housing to a much smaller number.
But so obsessed were they at keeping Manston strictly for aviation that they’ve scored an own goal.
As you say if Manston got the go ahead this would mean all the homes could have been built and the road layout could have been the 299 as the main entrance to the new estate not the little roads around it,places like Manston airport should be the first port of call for new homes not farm land ,we need to keep our farm land for food and our wildlife , why do you think we all have more foxes around our streets ?because they need food which we are taking away from all wildlife, can you see we need farmland to survive so do the wildlife, find other places to build and leave our farmland alone.
Like s new mini town!
It’s good that permission has not been granted yet.
But I just couldn’t miss the developers casual remark that affordable housing wouldn’t be “viable on this site!”
And seemed to assume that this would be acceptable.
If developers cannot “afford” to build the kind of homes that are required in any given area then they should be told to move aside and let somebody else bid for a contract to build what is actually needed.
Whatever next? The government announces funds for 40 new hospitals but the builders tell them they can only afford to build three clinics and a kiosk. Would we agree?
If this planning application is passed yet another village will disappear in Thanet. If the DCO for Manston Airport is approved there will be more complaints to TDC about the potential amount of traffic running through the village. Speed humps will need to be installed with yet again more complaints to KCC this time as it will become a rat run. Eventually traffic lights will have to be installed at the Haine Cross Roads donuts because of the build up of traffic in all directions.
Have you not read the piece?
TDC say that the scheme is unlikely to be approved!
And as for traffic problems, get rid of your car. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
Yes I have and yes I have replaced my diesel car and no I do not have a petrol driven car. Perhaps the solution will be to have everything delivered by Drone or have everything delivered by a petrol or diesel driven van.
The solution would be better public transport, as it’s clear that cars are ruining the environment in many ways.
Never looked at it that way,
If homes have to built then let it be council housing or housing organisations for renting this will help the low income families to have their own home and not having to be put in b&b accommodation, Orbit housing keep building help to buy they need to get back to renting affordable housing to help people get off the council waiting list.
Having developers wanting to develop unwanted, unprofitable,useless greenfield sites should be seen as something good, if only the usual gobs on sticks and the new one’s would have been bothered to purchase that land before the landbankers arrived. The locals would have known what was ongoing, they could have actioned.
To late now, thanet is a developers dream. Hopefully tdc planning inc outsourced agencies will not spend our council tax payments on court battles including jr’s
Its nearly 2022 not 1922
James useless greenfield sites? they should be used for growing food something that farmers have been doing for centuries in Thanet just because it is 2022 does not mean every parcel of land should be built on just to satisfy greedy people.
It should be a mix of
50% luxury badly built,
50% affordable badly built.
Nothing less, these profits are all they’re concern with. Unfair unwanted and unnecessary
Chris have you seen any of the houses being built around Westwood one good fart and they will be down around your ears. they are not fit for purpose.
People continuously complain about the housing situation in Thanet, and then they go ahead and elect a Tory MP to represent them.
When will the people of Thanet wake up, and realise that Tories could not care less about you, only what money they can get out of the land.
So LA who would you suggest?I have neve voted Tory in my life and never will Labour are no better as for the Lib Dems, no comment
Lesley I was taking the p,,s. All new building are very poor, no garden and everyone overlooks everyone else.
Right Chris I’ll let you off that one but my comments still stand
“Everyone overlooks everyone else”- what’s wrong with that? That’s what happens in a street.
I love the comments from many punters here complaining about ‘people from not around here’ moving in, buying properties, etc… Which century do you all live in? Have you never studied, worked or lived anywhere outside Thanet? Can you not see how we Londoners despise when you country bumpkins clog the Tube and our streets?
You talk so much shit ,if the work was available in thanet we wouldn’t need your transport in and out of London ,it works both ways when you London crap come to our beaches blocking our roads and leaving all your rubbish behind ,so be careful what you say we Country bumpkins have to pick up the f__k__g cleaning bill .
You are clearly a thicko. It tends to be the layabouts from Ramsgate who litter and generally dont care about the place. We Londoners have only just been coming en masse to Ramsgate, and the place is better as a result. On the other hand, you country bumpkins have migrated for centuries to London, pinching our jobs, and pushing up rents and clogging up the transport and constantly moaning about how expensive the place is. Our council tax bills are massive because so many of you keep coming. There are 1.2 million jobs in the country, if you are unemployed you simply cannot be a@sed to work and prefer to sign on.
Think you should move back mate!
Nah love, we have only just started gentrifying the place, and BoJo’s shoddy covid work is just going to keep London people coming over. I reckon in 3 years the place will have nobody on mobility scooters hanging around Kings St.
Just a little boy winding people up!
I think “Sort it out thanet council” doesn’t realize what an ignorant and unpleasant person he or she comes across as in his or her postings. Why don’t you use your own name, “Sort “etc?
You are still talk a load of shit
You can tell what sort of people Marva Rees
and DFL are ,you don’t know me so don’t start saying about work ,l work from 4 am to 6 pm 5 days a week all weather’s never not turned up for work ,27 years to keep people like you doing what you do ,now I’m a unpaid career for my wife ,it’s only a 24/7 job l would like to have just 1 hour to myself, l know selfish of me isn’t it, l do this for the love l have for my wife of 41 years of marriage and l will keep doing it because that’s the person I am,so think before you run country bumpkin down .
Right, so you are not on paid employment, and you are not looking for paid employment, and you dont really jnow anything about paid employment, so you butting in with a point about paid employment was based on your many years of not doing any paid employment. OK. Says it all, really…
Of nobody knows you as you don’t even use your name which applies to DFL too!
Just because you have ‘Ruth’ and a picture it does not mean your name is Ruth and thats your picture…
Are you stupid? 27 years payed empolyment now l care for my wife who is disabled, l don’t claim anything for that ,l can but l don’t ,how come you have turned this around ,
No, not stupid, it’s just that you write like someone who is 2 sandwiches short so very difficult to know what you are saying