Westgate Scarecrow Festival returns for second year

Scarecrow festival Photo Frank Leppard

The popular Westgate-on-Sea Scarecrow Festival returns for its second year this month. The event will run from July 17-24 with scarecrows located all around the town on a trail that will be open from noon to 5pm each day.

The town council will be providing a trail map of the scarecrows to help you locate them all!

Last year the event was hugely popular. From Westie the Westgate Womble to straw-some cowboys, swigging sailors and a signing duo – there were scarecrows of every shape and size waiting to be spotted across the town.

Photo Frank Leppard

The festival featured more than 45 scarecrows which were created for the trail to provide a brilliant opportunity for families to get out, discover the wonderful creations and vote for their favourites. The event is organised by residents Lorraine and Richard Hambidge, with the town council clerk Gill Gray. The trail is free to visit.

Keep up to date on the event at www.westgateonsea.gov.uk/community/westgate-on-sea-town-council-13327/events/


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