Covid vaccination programme moves to offer jabs to 36 and 37 year olds

The vaccination programme

The NHS COVID vaccination programme continues its rollout to people in their 30s opening to people aged 36 and 37 from tomorrow (Tuesday).

More than one million more people will be eligible for a Covid jab with due to update at 7am.

Texts inviting people to book a vaccination will be sent, going to those aged 37 tomorrow (Tuesday) and to 36 year olds on Wednesday.

The texts will allow people to access the national booking service at the touch of a button and arrange an appointment at an NHS Vaccination Centre, pharmacy or GP vaccination site.

The move to the next age group comes as more than 930,000 appointments were made in the days since the NHS Covid vaccination programmes opened to 38 and 39 year olds.

More than three out of four people aged 40 to 49 – over five and a half million people have also received a vital first dose of protection.

The Government and the JCVI announced that second dose appointments will be brought forward from 12 to 8 weeks for those aged 50 and over who have yet to received theirs.

Nobody needs to contact the NHS. People should continue to attend their appointments unless told otherwise.

Text invitations appear as an alert from ‘NHSvaccine’, including a web link to the NHS website to reserve an appointment.

People who cannot go online can call the service on 119 instead to book their jab.

People 39 and under who are eligible and pregnant women will be offered the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine in line with recently updated JCVI guidance.

Covid vaccination clinics through the Kent Community Health Trust run at the Thanet Saga site. A GP hub also runs from the site. Clinics are also being run at various GP Surgeries.

To book online go to


  1. I don’t understand! Being elderly, and clinically extremely vulnerable, I had my first vaccination in January, and the second in April, at my GP surgery in the Grange, Ramsgate. So why aren’t people doing the same? Having to travel miles to be vaccinated will put people off getting it done, and its vital all of us get the jab, to stop the virus spreading!

    • Again, they won’t have to. Everyone will be able to go to the former Saga building. Patients…

      Everyone who is even remotely vulnerable should’ve had at least one jab by now (I’m in my 50s and considered just slightly vulnerable, and I’ve now had both jabs at 10 weeks apart).

        • I think “M” is exaggerating. When I booked on line, I was given a variety of centres, one or two rather ridiculous (Essex?). But Folkstone was an option. And if I’d waited a couple of days, I would have had a call from my GP.

          • Do GP’s actually call? Only had two letters through from the NHS over last month or so, GP nothing at all.

          • Andrew Folkestone wasn’t on the list .
            Before you judge make sure you know the facts .
            Southampton was the closest option given apart from Walsall .

        • I got my appointments via Text from my GP surgeries (lived in Westgate for the first one and Birchington for the second, so the system works!). First jab was in Minster, 2nd at Saga. Both jabs were Pfizer.

  2. I’m struggling to believe that, assuming you gave a Thanet post code as your address.
    But if you wait, you *will* be contacted by your GP. And if you’re not, then phone them and see what’s happening.

    • My GP surgery has a recorded message before you can join the never ending queue-saying don’t ring them about jabs as you will be contacted by them or the NHS, assume this is likely done by most if not all surgeries.

      • A bit of common sense is called for.
        If you are in an eligible group, all your cohort have apparently been called up, and you’re still waiting weeks after, then get on the phone and ignore the recorded message.

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